What If Justin Sun Turned On A Dime, Told Everyone This Entire Debacle Was To Generate Hype And Vowed To Use Steemit, Inc's Stake To Develop Steem?

in #steem4 years ago

Now he has a golden opportunity to say precisely that and stay true to his word.

For the longest time, Steem was an obscure project whose existence most people in crypto were surprised to hear about, thinking that the project must have died a long time ago, if they had heard about it in the first place.

That is no longer the case. Steem is trending on Reddit's CryptoCurrency subreddit.


I'm sure everyone is now aware of the Twitter storm raised by all the drama. People like Vitalik Buterin have been following the Steem saga with keen interest. Even Peter Schiff, the gold bug and cryptocurrency basher has been involved in discussions about Steem on Twitter.

Everybody is talking about Steem. If @justinsunsteemit announced that he was going to pay the resigned Steemit engineering team for finishing the testing of SMTs, fixing any remaining issues and rolling them out as well as for marketing them to websites according to the existing road map, he would be able to turn himself into a hero from a villain. Of course, the sock puppet witnesses would have to go away and Binance should have to start powering down, too.

I couldn't think of a more effective start for a marketing campaign that what we have witnessed in the past week.


On the social side, I still don't want him. I will mute him and block tags from my feed when I get bored of commenting on his posts and downvoting him. I will support the real commmunity to the end and already proxied out so I don't have to pay close attention.
The investment side of me is starting to care less at this point, too. Mostly because it may actually end up being good.

Hahaha this is a wild idea, quite brilliant actually!

lol yeah, i alluded to something similar a week or so ago. Stress-test the Steemi and cause a stir/publicity.