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RE: Interview a Steem Stakeholder Series - Interview with @dhenz (270,000+ STEEM Stakeholder)

in #steem6 years ago

Very useful insight about how big investors evaluate the Steem Blockchain and I'm totally with his view about growing the Network effect of Steem. Everybody should have the best interest for the platform as a whole and should try to promote Steem as best they can.
I just reached out to a german News Outlet and asked them why they didn't covered the great News about Steem recently. Their answer was that they don't have somebody who is working as a freelancer for them to cover our ecosystem. And there I go what a chance to write a good article about Steem and sent it over to the News outlet. Maybe they are going to publish it...cross fingers!!!


Great! Fingers crossed :)

Thank you for having trust and being on Steem!

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