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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

Now I've made it through most of the view points and comments on all these posts I feel I'm left with the conclusion that whatever is done to try and fix the problems is going to leave at least one group of good people high and dry. No one is going to support a change that won't ultimately benefit them in one way or another.

It feels like if you give someone at the bottom a chance to be able to work their way up, then those who don't need the help will also jump on the bandwagon and use it to increase their own worth at an even faster rate, putting us all back into the same situation. If you ban them from jumping on, then where's the cut off? Those that don't quite make it on the wagon, but aren't wealthy enough to compete at the top level end up being the new bottom ones and losing out.

Human nature is any odd thing really. This current behaviour does seem certain to bring the site down and then everyone loses out. We seem to be self destructive. As long as we're benefiting in the here and now we can't look at the consequences of our actions in the long term. Not that the long term matters if you've made enough to tide yourself over to the next opportunity.