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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

I've only been active a bit more than 2 months so am now becoming aware of some of the flaws. Of course, this platform is a new venture and one should expect flaws. Thats part of the process. What I hope to see is a response and correction from @ned and crew. Perhaps you can enlighten me and others about EOS... the new @dan venture. What is that all about?


I’ve invested I EOS, you can join the EOS group on Discord to learn more, and there is tons of post relating to EOS on steamit, do a search

Asher will probably have a better answer, but from what i can tell, EOS is best described as an operated system for blockchains. My understanding is, they want to make it so every blockchain can pretty much have other apps running on it even if they're not currently set up to do that. And of course, these apps can be created to work on the EOS blockchain, too.

There has been much written RE EOS by others, perhaps @beanz @stellabelle's blogs can help? I also think they have an account here?

It's a bit too broad a question for me today :D

I really want to get into EOS but it's so everywhere I don't even know where to start. Lol