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RE: Blockchain: The Unleashing Of Human Potential

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

It's interesting, I'd wager 90%, or more, of the people on Steemit really don't understand blockchain technology. It's kind of like most of us have booked a cruise around the world but stay below decks not even looking out the portholes. We've come along for the ride but don't know where we are going or our own potential for doing things while on the cruise. I must admit, having come from the Dark Ages (pre-internet) that I am only just now beginning to see how Blockchain will change economies, industries, education, healthcare...everything. This does not mean that Blockchain will do away with centralized systems or distributive systems but will be adding a dimension to human intercourse that has the potential to shift the very consciousness of humanity. No wonder banksters and centralized governments are resistant. Blockchain is like the extinction event of the comet that crashed to earth killing all the dinosaurs. And to think WE are part of this amazing new galaxy of human potential. What we are part of is not just revolutionary it is literally Evolutionary Transformation into new realms of consciousness. Humanity linked and transforming together. I just read yesterday that someone has developed the tech that will allow blockchains to communicate with each other. Just another creation within the system that will morph everything.

Spiritual masters have talked about the concept of Oneness for ages. Blockchain, in a very tangible way, is achieving this oneness. Certainly not like the Masters have envisioned, but in a very real way moving us to a new reality that we are only just now beginning to comprehend.

Could this usher in the end of war, the end of racism, the end of ignorance? Whoa!

I appreciate that you have seen the vision and have been attempting to show it to us. Thank you very much, and blessings.