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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

Steemit is not the answer it once claimed to be. That is yet to come and there are plenty vying to take it's place.

As for me, I am just here to keep in touch with a few good people I have met, but I lose money( from wasted time effort and stress) everytime I contribute to the platform.

Steemit has simply created a digital analog to the failed Crony Capitalist system( not a natural free market, which is optimal) and as an Anarchist, I find Steemit just to be another problem contributing to societal ills.

Since I am not a coder, I sit and wait for a truly new ideal to be put into practice. One that attempts to promote some sort of ethics, without being a failed Oligarchy. Steemit is not Decentralized nor truly self governed, so is not my go to platform.


Not convinced, i see.

Seriously though, I see your point and it has been put forward by others in a similar fashion.

I'm not a coder either, so you'll have to budge up on the cheap seats and let me sit down while we wait :)