
Yes that is mainly due to the @proxy.token account (with a very large proxy) voting some of the Tron sock puppets accounts due to (in their own words) trying to "hold the balance". I actually believe this is a very bad and actually a huge security risk to the chain. Having multiple nodes in consensus who have shown inability to do so competently (can't even update price feeds) is a very bad decision and if we saw any technical issues come up with them there, could be detrimental to the chain.

I understand the KR community wanting to keep a balance, but I don't quite think they understand the risk they are taking by doing so. I'm going to try to cover that a bit in the next video. As it is concerning to me.

You'd rather they did your biddings, wouldn't you?
I set them as my proxy because it seems they're the only ones not blindly picking sides here. Everyone else is rabid like 12-year-olds about how Tron took over the chain.

You pulled a gun and Justin pulled out a bigger one.
Go cry to mama!

I have no bidding, dear. I just don’t think voting for one person running 20 nodes is a great decision from a security stand point, as I said.

No matter how many times you say it.. it doesn’t make it true.

I look forward to you and your attorneys analysis of this situation. Have a wonderful week!