ICON (ICX) Crypto Price at $1.36672: Down -2.46% on Top Exchanges Since Yesterday: Total MarketCap Makes It to $529,510,161...

in #steem6 years ago

ICON (ICX) traded down -2.46% against USD since this time yesterday period of time ending 05:30 on July 21st EST. ICON presently has a market cap of $529,510,161 and its twenty four hour trading volume is around $31,377,100. In the seven day time period, ICON is 4.72% against the USD along with a change of -0.23% through the past 60 minutes.

Here’s how similar cryptocurrencies have faired in the last 24 hours:

Steem (STEEM) is now trading at $1.40 against the US dollar, a -4.17% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of STEEM is currently at 0.00019059 BTC.
Nano (NANO) is now trading at $2.38 against the US dollar, a -6.11% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of NANO is currently at 0.00032477 BTC.
Tezos (XTZ) is now trading at $2.14 against the US dollar, a -3.05% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of XTZ is currently at 0.00029104 BTC.
Qtum (QTUM) is now trading at $7.80 against the US dollar, a -4.63% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of QTUM is currently at 0.00106229 BTC.
FunFair (FUN) is now trading at $0.03 against the US dollar, a -4.78% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of FUN is currently at 0.00000346 BTC.
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is now trading at $0.32 against the US dollar, a -1.63% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of BAT is currently at 0.00004374 BTC.
VeChain (VEN) is now trading at $1.80 against the US dollar, a 7.92% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of VEN is currently at 0.00024523 BTC.
UTRUST (UTK) is now trading at $0.07 against the US dollar, a -3.93% change since this time yesterday. The Bitcoin price of UTK is currently at 0.00000971 BTC.
ICON Report
ICON has a max supply of 387,431,340 coins. It was launched on 24th October, 2017.

Quoted from cryptocompare.com: “The ICON Project is a decentralized transactions network. The ICON Project aims to connect independent blockchains with different governance, so that they can transact with one another without intermediaries. ICX is a loopchain-based smart contract digital protocol that facilitates, verifies, and enacts a negotiated agreement between consenting parties within ICON.”

ICX: Info for Traders
Anyone can acquire ICX at trading exchanges like FCoin, HitBTC, Binance, HuobiPro, Bithumb, OKEX, and LAToken.

It’s not always conceivable to buy cryptocurrencies such as ICON right away using USD. Market players needing to attain ICX could possibly have to first of all buy BTC or ETH using an exchange that has got US dollar trading pairs like Coinbase or GDAX. Buyers can then make use of this Bitcoin or ETH to buy ICON using one of the trading exchanges we detailed


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