Steemit/STEEM Has No Identity - and Why Google Won the Search Engine War

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

When I first joined Steemit, the way it was introduced to me by a friend was: "It's a blogging site where you can earn crypto rewards for your content, based on the amount of likes it gets".

Super simple.

So, I joined. And I knew what to expect.

Now everybody's talking about how STEEM and Steemit are not about content creation anymore, they are about something so much bigger. STEEM isn't even about any one thing, it's about... everything, it seems.

It's going to be everywhere, everything is going to have its own amazing dApp, dApp this, dApp that, the other thing, etc.

I'm just wondering how should one sell STEEM to anyone right now. Steemit has no identity, it's just a jumbled mess. What is this site, even? A blogging site? Kinda, sorta, I guess, but if you say that, you're going to have an army of experts telling you how it's not about the blogs, and blogs are cancer, it's all dApps and SteemMonsters now.

This may come as a surprise to some people who are younger, but back in the day, Google wasn't the only search engine. In fact, Google wasn't even the first search engine. It was just one of many. And back in the early days of the internet, those search engines were in a pretty bloody war against each other.

You had Ask Jeeves, Altavista, Yahoo, Excite... anyone remember these? I do.

But the reason many don't is simple; Google won the war. But why, though? Why did Google reign supreme? There's one very easy answer to that question.

Google was the only search engine out of all of the participants in the Great Search Engine War that was just a search engine.

All the other search engines tried to be something more than just search engines. They were all trying to do many things at once. From weather forecasts to whatever else.

Only Google stayed true to what people expected of it: being a search engine.

So, in time, whenever people thought of a search engine, they went to Google. Because being a search engine, true and true, was Google identity.

And lo and behold, Google is sitting where it sits today. On top.

I hope when Voice launches, it's going to be purely a content publishing platform. I hope Steemit will be the Altavista or Ask Jeeves of blockchain social medias that made the mistakes so that no one else has to.

Your userbase and investors need to know what they're getting. And a million things at once - especially when none of them are the focus, and instead there are simply several different half assed side projects coexisting - just confuses people.

I have no idea what STEEM, today, is.

It's a blockchain. Well, whoop-de-doo, wow, a blockchain. We sure don't have, like, a million of those at this point. Next?


Your example with Google is good, but I don´t think the fact that Steem has not a single focus nowadays is its biggest concern! In contrast, we should be glad that some terrific people created the Steem-Engine, just as an example for a few others. To focus ONLY on blogging would be great, if ALL stakeholders would have a single vision, e.g. "to create the most user-friendly bloggers experience on a blockchain based platform" or "to create the easiest way to gain rewards by bloggin" or whatsoever. But there is no such vision in place. Thats the problem. Investors want to maximize the profit and don´t see that in the long run the attraction of new users is key to sustain the profits and the Steem stock price. Google for sure was in red numbers for a long time but they kept their vision.

That lack of focus and vision was pretty much my point.

I agree it is a result of not having a clearly communicated vision, we don't know what we are and the lack of vision forces people to focus on the money.

If we had a mission or even a strong vision people would be more likely to behave in ways that support that. Since we don't.... We have a mess.

Yeah, it's almost like... the STEEM chain can theoretically do all these cool sounding things, and the fact that it can do cool sounding things has sort of become its identity. I remember ned leaning on this crutch more than a few times.

"In the future, STEEM can..." and then following it with all sorts of utopian, and while cool sounding, ultimately kinda pointless - at this present time - jargon.

Does Discord work for you? Doesn't seem to open for me.

I guess they are having problems... Mine looks normal but it is so empty. :)

since steem failed to function as content discovery website, let’s build dapps and games on it, wishing them to be a game saver.

Posted using Partiko iOS

When Steemit was content focused, STEEM was $8.
Now that STEEM is dApp and game focused, STEEM is pegged at $0.40. All time low vs. BTC, which is climbing its way back up to all time highs.

You do the math.

that wasn’t my idea just trying to understand the logic behind my comment above.

Yea, yea, I didn't mean that you were in favour of said logic. :)
I was just ranting in general.

i see haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

Scorum still content discovery and everyday it falling.

not gonna be a succesful site when your name is Scrotum, or when in languages like Dutch it means scumbag...

yes steem has identity crisis. and a lot of users still think it is a social network so big guys can't tell us that is not. i am maybe wrong but voice should be like dapp on steem. there is some interesting things going on but there are some shity ones to, we shell se who will win.

Posted using Partiko Android