How To Convert Between SBD and STEEM 💱

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

How To Convert Between SBD and STEEM (2).png

Hey everyone so a little bit ago a friend of mine asked how to convert between STEEM and SBD. It's not very obvious or explained to new users so to make your life easy you can check out this article here:

Or if you like to read my articles I will do my own version of how to convert between SBD and STEEM. Now the main reason people usually want to do this is so they can take their SBD and use it to power up. There are other reasons I'm sure, but this is likely why you are here reading this. It's slightly tedious, but fairly easy and simple to do.

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Quick Overview of STEEM, SP, and SBD


STEEM is the base cryptocurrency that is used on this platform and the blockchain it was built upon. STEEM is the cryptocoin that is used to back the other two Steemit related coins SBD and SP. This is the only coin listed on exchanges and it separate from Steemit altogether. It is referred to as liquid STEEM because it's the base currency. It is a social media token meaning it will inflate and regulate as a means of accounting and can be used to acquire the other two coins below. This can be bought or earned by using Steemit.


SBD is pegged to the dollar. The attempt is that it is less volatile than liquid STEEM and it used for the majority of transactions on Steemit. The main flaw is that it cannot be directly used to power up your SP (hence this article). This can be earned by creating content and using Steemit. You can also put your SBD in your savings for a 10% annual interest with a 3 day withdrawal period. It can also act as a security measure to prevent instant withdrawal of all your funds.


This is the long term invested STEEM you have. This influences your voting power, bandwidth allocation, your status as a plankton, minnow, etc., as well as it takes the longest to withdraw and earns the most interest. You can only withdraw a faction of your power at a time per week in the process of "powering down" to lock people in for long term investments. One very interesting thing about SP is that it compounds DAILY interest at 0.0066% making STEEM a very attractive cryptocurrency because it's one of few that can earn interest.

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How To Convert Between Using @Blocktrades

Start by navigating to

Then select SBD or STEEM and the vice versa you wish to convert to

Add your username and your account will pop up

You then hit and you'll see this below where you can either pay using SteemConnect or do a manual transfer

Then finalize the payment and your coins will appear in your wallet converted and ready to go!

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If this helped you please share it with others! If you know an easier way, please share it with everyone! Also feel free to comment in general :)

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As per my suggestion to share any other methods you know @leeart was kind enough to share this by @pinay

It is slightly easier, but has more complex parameters like limit order and asking price. This should be easy for those familiar with buying cryptocurrency, but strange and foreign to those not and who are just on Steemit for Steemit.

Every time I post I select 1 random winner from the upvotes, resteems, and comments totaling 3 winners and give them 0.01 SBD each and announce it on the next post! I also send out 0.001 weekly to followers! I use
The winners from the last post I made here:

Congratulations to @nandagayo @wavyplague and @savage2288 for today's winnings!

Note that once I’ve posted a new post the contest is over and this could be subject to any amount of time up to but not longer than 7 days

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📊 Binance is my favorite place to trade, sign up with my referral -
💸 If you haven’t signed up, do so using my referral code 15520033 and show me a screenshot, I’ll send you 0.25 SBD and give you a follow and shoutout on my next post!

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Thanks for the gift, enjoy the holidays

You got a 50.04% upvote and resteem from @estream.studios courtesy of @scottcbusiness. Thank you for using the @estream.studios UPVOTE and RESTEEM bot.

If you are looking to earn a passive no hassle return on your Steem Power, delegate your SP to @estream.studios by clicking on one of the ready to delegate links:
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You will earn 80% of the voting bot's earnings based on your delegated SP's prorated share of the bot's SP pool at the end of EACH voting round! That is up to 38.5% APR! You can also undelegate at anytime.

Sorry @ScottCBusiness,I want to ask you that 2 days ago I received transfer 0.001 from you,I am very excited,but what I have to do next,It's enter automatically or I have to convert it before,thanks.

You don't need to convert it but if you wanted it to power up you convert it to steem using my tutorial here. My previous post explains why and how I'm sending 0.001 sbd. It's for following me I send it out weekly

Your explained very helpful me,thanks alot.

Awesome, glad to help!

This was very informative and helpful. I'm just starting on Steemit, but now I have an idea what to do and a place to come back to in case the SBD's do stack up over time :-) Thanks again!

Cheers :) You can also use the "Market" feature if you understand buying cryptocurrency. If not, this may be easier

I just answers from your your article to my questions. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome, glad to help

thank you for your gift for me.
You have given me a small tip, this is a support for me and once again I thank you.

For sure, weekly payouts to my followers for their support and being awesome

Why not use the internal market?? Itz even easier IMO

Yeah I think I mentioned that or maybe in the comments, that for someone who is less familiar with buying crypto may be more confused by that way.

Oh yeah plus its not always instantaneous and ppl freak out thinking they lost their money when they actually didn't

yeah with a stop limit it can take time

This is a bit advanced for a Newbie like me, but it looks like really useful stuff for future reference. By the way, I just noticed that I need to say thank you for a couple of days ago, and don't know how to do that other than here!

Or for the little tip? Yeah I send that out weekly 😁

@scottcbusiness although I did figure this out, I will direct my friends to this article instead of trying to explain it when they jump on board. Getting more interest daily as I share on other social media. A well written article, thank you

ey awesome! I hope to make tons of bookmarkable content for reference :)

Thanks for posting...exactly the info I was interested in.

Awesome glad to be of help!

Hi ScottCBusiness, many thanks for your small donation ;) I have received 2 days ago. Have a great day from @ernoldlvb

Cheers, I send it out weekly to my followers :)

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I was confuse with sbd and steem power, but this article is helping a lot! Now I have figure it out everything about steemit world. Thank you @scottcbusiness

YAY glad I can be of help

Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece @scottcbusiness. It was really helpful

Cheers! Glad I can help

I think here's another way to do it buying steem

Thanks to @pinay :)

True, that is definitely easier I just think some may be confused with the limit order and ask price and such who aren't familiar with buying crypto. I'll add it in the bottom

Crypto still confuses me lol!

I've been investing since November (yes I lost a lot in the crash) learned a lot too. I understand it now, but can't be bothered to learn everything about trading from the analytical side. (I've been using ProfitTrailer a trading bot) but lately have used it just to monitor my HODL coins as I took out all my day trading budget and bought STEEM haha. POWER UP

I tried free trading platforms too but kept losing. I am not that analytical or I'm just lazy really haha!

thanks for sharing....
i have new information about convert SBD or Steem....and next me information about steem or SBD send to account market, ex. ;bittrex, poloeix, bitmax and etc...

now i want to ressteem your post....

Awesome go for it

Great post @scottcbusiness ..You really helped me out with some challenges I was facing.

Always happy to help! Feel free to read my other articles, mostly about Steemit education

Thank you @scottcbusiness
I will always go through all articles you post just to help expand my knowledge here

Awesome and good to know, I'll keep on Steeming!

Yeah sure

Nice info boss
good post..very good

Thanks hope it helps

I have starting following you,in fact you are doing a nice [email protected] name

Thanks I try!


onething i admire aside from your writeups is your effort in responding almost all replies...thats awesome for followers like me.

Yeah I figure it makes the most sense to support those supporting me and have a good relationship with you all 😁🙌

Nice info boss. U have also helped me clear off somethings on my mind.

always happy to help!

great write up... something which I will share with newbies....Also good that you have screenshots and illustrations for those who are new to Steem currencies.

Cheers I try to share useful stuff daily and resteem stuff on my account and @Steemersbot and support that community on discord

Thanks for sharing.. I'll check it out

Thank you! I am bookmarking this post to read it more thoroughly tomorrow, I am new to all of this and eager to learn how it all works.

I try to help out every day and I just mentioned this before, I resteem stuff on my account and @Steemersbot and support that community on discord

Great Info! @scottcbusiness
I really like this one, Steem : maximum freedom, Steem power : Maximum Influence, Steem dollar : Maximum Stability. That totally true.

Great way to summarize it!

Very informative, thank you. Following.

Awesome, glad to help!

thanks for the excellent information, the truth is very important in the community steemit

Exactly! Always out to help :)

Wow, thanx @ scottcbusiness. i m new her sience about a month, but you are the first one whose explanation are that easy to understand. The difference between the different currencies here on the steemit platform and their tasks and effects. your s describtions are easy and KISS(keep it simple and stupid). and you don't even write in my native language!

I am Swiss and live in the Dominican Republic and i m building a steemit commuty here on the island. Great work. thanx for your help to make the steemit family big and a little bit more easely.
Greetings from the carribean. mikeCee
$_72 rot3.png

That is awesome I am glad my writing is easy for you to benefit from :D I will keep writing away daily

I think I find this post of yours @scottcbusiness as informative and educational. I just voted and followed you. Hopefully, together we will achieve PAL. Thanks for sharing as I'm steeming your post.

Thanks always trying to help out :D

My much to learn.

You're right, so I try to post educational stuff daily!

It is good and necessary to see this type of publications here. So I learned a little more in this world of technology, because it costs me a bit since I'm an artist and I prefer to be more direct, to count on the tangible. But anyway, thanks for sharing this.

I'm an artist too friend and you can do very well on here. Check out my music account: @scottychams

Hei bro, send me 10 steem I'll upvote, comment and resteem all of your posts for 1 month.

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Gracias por compartir @scottcbusiness esta información, muy importante para los que recién iniciamos en esta plataforma, un contenido bastante explicativo y fácil de aprender. seguido, votado y resteem tu publicación.

You just planted 0.78 tree(s)!

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Very helpful...
please upvote my post, thank you...

very helpful scottcbusiness, But I have a question how can I convert my savings to steem power?
One upvote coming up
Thanks again

well first you withdraw it to your STEEM or SBD then if it's SBD you convert it as shown or use the "Market" button. To power up click on your STEEM and hit power up

I appreciate that and I try really hard to make sure it is useful :D