Follower achievement unlocked!

in #steem4 years ago

5614 followers! Okay, so that may not sound like a significant number, but it is to me.


Before there was Steem (well Steemit back then) there was Tsu. This was a social site that paid you. Sound familiar? It did not use a blockchain and rewards came from their advertising revenue. It had a multi-level referral scheme that could pay you well if you were good at recruitment. I found this screenshot that must have been from the early days, but I eventually got to 5611 followers. So now I have topped that with Steem and this is the biggest following I have had anywhere. Of course I know most are inactive, but I get a pretty good level of interaction.


To get some perspective this is about half as many accounts as are currently using Steem, but it will be a much smaller percentage of active users. Steem has something over a million accounts, but the vast majority are doing nothing. Steem appears to be more active than EOS. I am still not sure what Klaytn is.

Stats from @stateofthedapps

To be honest I am not sure how I would handle thousands of followers responding to my posts, so that scares me a little. I spend too much time dealing with comments as it is. Not that I expect this to happen. What we could see eventually are some real on-line celebrities using Steem with big fan-bases. Then there will need to be tools to handle mass responses.

I hear people saying that users are leaving Steem or not joining due to the low price, but it is only likely to go up if people actually use it. That sounds like we are doomed, but it really just takes a few people to take a punt on it in hope of better rewards in the long term. Most of us cannot make anything on Youtube or other platforms, but anyone can make something on Steem, although those trying to exploit it without giving back may find they do not make so much.

Steem is what we make it. We have some cool dapps like @steemmonsters @esteem @steempeak @actifit @exhaust @dtube @steemhunt. We just need to let the world know what they are missing.

I accept that there are issues with usability. We have good tools like Keychain to make it easier, but we need clear and easily found tutorials on how to get started. There are opportunities for those who can create these. Work with the dapps to get them linked from the sites.

Steem on!

The geeky guitarist and facilitator of the 10K Minnows Project.


Congrats on the milestone. That is pretty awesome. It would be cool if we could see some people jump on board in the future. I know that soon EOS is coming out with Voice, but I have heard their KYC measures might drive some people to STEEM. That would be awesome.

It would be great to get back some of those who left for whatever reasons. The experience has improved in the last couple of years. I think a combination of Steem Keychain and Steempeak is pretty good.

I keep trying to recruit people with little success. Some may think it's a scam and others are put off by the complexity. We need more pioneers to build up the quality content.

I really want to use Steempeak, but I just can't get it to load at my office. It is something with our content filter blocking it because of adult content and I am hesitant to go around it. The last thing I need is someone looking at the logs and asking me why I was going to a site that was blocked for adult content. I will just keep using Busy.

I can access Steemit and Steempeak at work even though they block many sites, but I don't log in as it could possibly get me into trouble. I use eSteem on my phone instead.

Strewth! That's a lot of people.
If we all gave a you a plectrum, you'd be buried up to your knees :)

well done steev. its great to have personal milestones. and even better to SMASH THEM like you have done! congraaaaats x

That is a lot of people.

Now, we wonder how many are bots. I know I have lots of bot following.

It is a lot, but we do not really have spam problems here for now apart from a few rare exception who cannot take a hint ;) Downvotes keep them in check.

I do the #FollowFriday posts to try and help people gain followers. I can find plenty of good stuff in my feed every day. There's a pretty good variety of posts out there.

I do check out you and other peep's Resteems on my feed.

I simply don't have enough time of the day to consume everything.

Time is the limiting factor for me too. I can only read a selection of posts each day.

I just passed 200 followers. Going slow but steady ;)

Cool. I hope they are active. It's taken a lot of time and effort to build my following, but nothing good comes without some work.

Some of them are active, but you’re right. I keep going :)

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Hi, @steevc!

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If you're not using SteemPlus yet, please check our last posts in here to see the many ways in which SteemPlus can improve your Steem experience on Steemit and Busy.

Great and Congrats mate - as you mention tsu - what are your thoughts about the new tsu launching soon? Seems a pretty huge part of our former tsu guys are thrilled - I am not really.

I'm not sure that the new Tsu will be, but I'm happy enough on Steem. I think the block is better than relying on ads. I've got lots of friends here and hope we will keep going for a long time yet.