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RE: Discussion - What are reasons investors avoid STEEM?

in #steem6 years ago

it's because the whales have not gifted me 500,000 SP...

trust me, once the whales kick in and lard me up, the value of STEEM will shoot up to $123.88 per

However, if y'all don't take my word on that (why does no one trust me? ;> )

The commenters make some good points..I think the best guesses are these
1- people don't know about Steemit, or how it works
I did an off-the-cuff survey on the Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance on facebook, and it was rare for them to have heard of it
2- people who know of it bring up the Ponzi accusation
When I first started, and I was searching for outside perspectives on Steemit, "ponzi" was usually the first SE result I got
3- There may be some bad-mouthing of the platform from content producers that did not strike it rich...leading to...
4- The community voting aspect of the platform can be abused. New users can be outvoted into dust: investors want stability...if some whales can drive down the value of the platform by attacking other users/investors, that is defintely a negative thing to take note of.
I don't have a solution to that problem, btw. Part of the appeal of the platform for me is that SP is yours to use