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RE: Paths of gold: Would you be on Steem if your financial future was already secure?

in #steem5 years ago

Met some weird and unpleasant people

On Steem? Nooooo. :D

This is a growing place where with a lot of changes to come that will make it more conventional. The introduction of "money" in this way has brought out and amplified the worst traits in humans, yet it has to be approached at some point to get to where we are able to own this ourselves.

Hopefully you don't tune out completely because it will grow fast - when it does.


Hahahah yes, I guess I should have expected that people are behaving really terribly when money's involved... Still, it was a shame.

I'm hanging on for as long as I can :) But my high engagement style is bringing me a lot of success outside of Steemit, and there's only so much hours in a day~

But will hang on as long as I can, for sure. I've made a lot of great friends here, like Shibasaki, who made me his Comment Moderator at his YouTube :D I'll be sure to do right by the nice people \o/