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RE: Justin Sun Powering Up Yet More Stake In the most aggressive move ever.

in #steem4 years ago

Actually, depending upon when you went to sleep, it wasnt Sun who powered up. From what I heard, he got the Korean community to go in with him.

As for the exchanges, they are fucked. The TronSteemit can put together a hard fork if their life depended upon it. Thus, all STEEM is locked up for 13 weeks.

Posted via Steemleo


Right I did hear about that.
The SteemHunt crew.
That's unfortunate.

From what I heard, he got the Korean community to go in with him.

A whale from the Korean Community is keeping the status quo by supporting 7 original witnesses and the rest with support of TRON witnesses so as to stop a TRON fork at this time. They are making some demands in the post linked below.