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RE: Steem DApps: Take advantage of the different ways to earn Steem/SBD!

in #steem6 years ago

great informative article. A great help to those like me who are new to steemit.
I have money in my wallet and am trying to find out the most effective way of deploying my money??


@theaverageman I try to build up my Steem Power. The more SP you have the bigger your curation rewards will be.

I also set some of my rewards aside to promote posts with bots. You can find a list of bots from @yabbapmatt's website

They're really useful for promoting your posts if you want to invest in getting them into the 'hot' page. There's also resteem bots on there that will resteem and upvote for a small charge. Helps build up followers. Think of the bot services as marketing tools.

If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. I've been using Steem for about 9-10 months now. Helping people is what I do!

Also, check out it's an alternative to the Steemit interface. I find it far more useful for blogging and the layout is cleaner/more modern looking.

this may be a bit dense, but how do i send the "memo" with my bid?? I'm confused..
I voted for you as witness as you were first person to help me. thanks for the help..
This may sound a bit slow but how do i find URL to put in memo with post??