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RE: Is The Voting System For Steem Witnesses Unbalanced & Unfairly Skewed/Biased? Simple Improvements Might Make a Big Difference Here.

in #steem6 years ago

There is clearly a common theme here where users feel that they have difficulty accessing information about the witnesses in a way they find useful. How about something like this:

In addition to an enhanced list on the witness voting page that gives the technical data for each witness, we have a small avatar thumbnail that links to their profile, plus the link to their original witness application post AND a link to their latest witness update post(including a field that shows the date that the last update was published). This gives a well rounded overview of them for those who want to learn more and will not require any work from the witnesses since they should already be putting out updates anyway. The witnesses who are active and who are engaging the community will thus get recognition for that and voters will be able to hear from them, instead of guessing.


That is an awesome Idea and some that Steem Inc should implement when someone goes to the witness voting page.
Most people are lazy including me and the only reason why I researched on the witnesses was to help out a friend who was researching what the top 20 witnesses did.

It would be great to have their latest witness update and the tech data would be very helpful.

I was looking at and checking the number of votes of some of the witnesses and surprised on how low some are even if the communities they have are so large/ Although we all know that vestments are the kingmakers though.

This must become a joint project of the witnesses.