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RE: Reducing friction for critical mass adoption of steemit

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I see a few things that would be super handy when using Steem/Steemit:

  1. Better documentation. Basically all I know now is that this is a social media project where you get paid for posting good quality content, if people upvote. I don't see any link on the page to get more info, perhaps even about more advanced topics, i.e. how the whole thing works, where the money is coming from, who is behind the project and so on. I tried googling, didn't find much either.
  2. More basic/userful features. What I mean here is that it would be cool to have some sort of notifications, to be able to watch other users posting content, be notified when someone replies to my post. Dunno if I am not totally overseeing something, but it seems to be that Steemit is lacking many basic features commonly present in other services like Medium.
  3. Better content editor. Much like Medium, which keeps automatically storing drafts. And it's not just that. It is not entirely pleasant to be using this tiny text field for very long posts.

Until this happens I am probably just going to re-post my posts from other services. I think that better UX and more possibilities to connect with other people is all that people need to adopt Steemit more. Or at least it is an important part of the whole story.