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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

I think if we can all admit that morality cannot be legislated or even governed through computer programs, then we can all start to address the root issues: Greed begets more greed.

Does that mean those with a higher moral character are confronted with the inevitability that greed will overcome? If we surrender to that way of thinking then we are all doomed.

In my view, greed can be as greedy as they want. In my view the spiritual rewards that we are hear to learn are not dependent upon this physical realm. If people want to own or control it all then they will not receive the spiritual rewards that await those who can see past the physical temptations and learn how to control themselves and self govern. For those who choose peace, prosperity for all, patience, joy and loving thy neighbour as thy self, they are the ones that will receive the spiritual rewards.

So while people fight over fictional constructs and physical territory, I focus on something way more valuable and much less physically intrinsic. I care not about the wars that people fight here other than confronting the violence that they engage in. I for one, refuse to fight or engage in violence. But I will rebuke and help others to see the errors of their ways.

In the mean time, I do what I can to help others, share and pay it forward. I still believe that prosperity comes when our communities are strong and self sufficient. So I will continue to work towards that goal. The more people get off grid, grow their own food, etc, the better we will all be. If steem can help facilitate that, then bonus! if not, I still have a platform where censorship is not present so that I can reach people despite what the state or others think. That is why I am here. To reach people and encourage peaceful, non-violent self governance.

Those who engage in war have walked away and I pray they will see that it does not work and return. I will do what I can to ensure that peace and non-violence spreads. I pray steem can survive the greed and be a platform for reaching out and spreading that word. Either way, I trust in Creator and it will all work out, one way or another. My faith is deep so no sense stressing about it. I will go with the flow.

Thanks Asher for this post. Please forgive me as it is spring time so I cannot be here a lot right now. But I am here in spirit. Great to read one of your posts and catch up!