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RE: Zombie Adventure (Bazooka Party) - Game 95 - Day 5 (May 14, 2024)

in #steemacelast month

Player No.6 (order No. 2)

Bonus roll: 17
Action 1: Keep searching while trying to ignore the Hulk for a minute...

"You found a cross bow"

Ooooooh, it's been a long time since I've used one of these.

Action 2: Punch the Hulk (rolled a 6) - BOOF! (Did half damage)
Action 3: Punch the Hulk again (rolled a 4) - BOP! (Hulk is down!)


Thank-you for the !ENGAGE 25, !PIZZA, !LOLZ and !HYPNO.

R.I.P. boiled water.
You will be mist.

Credit: reddit
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