
Yes, that's fantastic! Thank-you!
I'm wondering about the broken wagon... if someone will try to make something of it. It seems to be carrying boards, and boards are a resource that I don't want people taking from the wagon.

What is the item right of the house? It looks like snow on sharp rocks. It could be mistaken for diamonds. Maybe leave that out?

hehe, I put that in as the Dump and the Wagon is the vendor, like on the current map, you dont want those?

Ah... I was wondering where I was going to fit the vendor with the wagon there. The dump is stationary, so that can be a permanent part of the map. I'll send you mine to add it into the map. However, the vendor is mobile, so I'll need to be able to move him around, so just leave that part to me please. Thank-you!


You will need to re-size the garbage dump to make it much smaller, but I left it large for better quality.