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RE: Zombie Adventure (Déjà vu) - Game 57 - Day 5 (May 1, 2021)

in #steemace3 years ago

Player No. 12(order No. 5)

Bonus roll = 13 Darn, no help there. Wow this place is getting full of cops again, nothing to do but keep bashing at this trainee.
Action 1: Punch Trainee = 1 Big miss.
Action 2: Punch again = 3 Near miss.
Action 3: Punch again = 4 Wow finally hit 1/2 hp. I guess 1 out of 3 ain't so good.
No matter tomorrow we will be getting some roasted brains from P5's cocktail ;) so in the meantime I will have some !BEER while my companions !ENGAGE 25 with the coppers.


Thank-you! Nicely done. !ENGAGE 20 !BEER.

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