
If you craft a fishing pole, i'd be happy to give you bait for it. If I remember right, you should be able to make one out of string, a long stick, and a safety pin.

Guess I'll be searching for some string then.

I got a metal pole and a safety pin, so unless I find a stick I'll make myself a metal fishing pole 😆

Sticks are found by the trees / in trees and a string can be securely tied to sticks, however, metal poles are slippery and string slides off the metal unless you punch a hole in it or use sap from a tree as glue to make the metal rod sticky.

Keep in mind that players can work cooperatively or competitively with each other. Players can undercut the vendor's prices and work competitively against the mobile vendor or use his prices as a reference point for values. When dealing with the vendor, you need to physically move to the vendor and a trade costs an action, but when trading with each other, you can send items across the maps at any time (except when in combat) and it is NOT an action. There is much advantage to form alliances and trade with each other! Businesses are encouraged!

Hunt, fish or purchase your food. You can only use the things we have on the map or inventory.
Hares are easy to kill, but difficult to hit unless you get very lucky. The larger animals are dangerous unless you have lots of armor. Life is not easy when you are just starting out with nothing.

I take it vegetarians have died out in this reality 😉

Nobody has died yet, but that doesn't mean there can't be a first.