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RE: Scouting Adventure - Game 49 - Day 71 (Aug. 29, 2020)

in #steemace4 years ago

Player 11 (2nd)

Action 1: Move to 2B-17.
Action 2: Move to 1I-17.
Action 3: Shoot an arrow at the deer at 1C-17. rolled 12 and I needed 4 to hit (2 necklaces and arrows =-6 to hit), so the deer takes 2 damage.
I swap my necklaces so that I'm wearing the S-necklaces giving me -4 to hit protection.

My worker 1 catches 3 fish using my baited fishing pole.
My worker 2 catches 3 fish using my baited fishing pole.
My worker 3 mines. rolls 6,1,1, meaning the worker found 2 iron ore and 1 stone.
My worker 4 mines. rolls 1,3,1, meaning the worker found 3 iron ore and 0 stone.

The deer attacks me 3 times, rolls 19,8,18 and needs 14 to hit, so hits me twice doing 6 damage to my armor.
I swap my necklaces back so I'm wearing the T-enhanced necklaces, ready for tomorrow.


Actually, the deer needs to MOVE to your position before it can attack, so it has just 2 attacks on you and only does 3 damage since the 2nd action missed.