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RE: Zombie Adventure (Clueless) - Game 94 - Day 19 (Apr. 28, 2024)

in #steemace2 months ago

Player No. 11 (order No. 1)

Bonus roll: 16
Action 1: Move north.
Action 2: Use the CZ 550 to shoot the walker to the east. Roll 4 and kill it.
Action 3: Use the CZ 550 to shoot the walker two spaces east. Roll 3 and miss.
Have some !ENGAGE 25, !PIZZA, !LOLZ and !HYPNO.


Why did the art thief's vehicle run out of fuel?
He had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh

Credit: reddit
@happyme, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of secret-art

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Thank-you for the !ENGAGE 25, !PIZZA, !LOLZ and !HYPNO.

What do Thanksgiving and junkies have in common?
Cold turkey.

Credit: networkallstar
@secret-art, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of happyme




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