Steembloggers Tag Challenge-Day 26

If you are a part of the steembloggers community and using the steembloggers tag I want you to become active in this challenge!

The Challenge

For the next 30 days each member using the steembloggers tag take 30 minutes out of your day.
Go to the NEW area of the steembloggers tag and upvote as many posts that you can within the 30 minutes. The goal is to upvote all the posts reaching up to yesterday.

Just go to the New area of the steembloggers tag and upvote as many posts that you can!!!

Source Code

Let’s build our community and grow the active members that will earn with the steembloggers tag.
If you have enough SP to use the slider you can set it to whatever you wish. Let’s work together to support the steembloggers community.
Taking place in this challenge is another way to become a voting member of the steembloggers community.
We have our own community which is currently in development. It is located under the steembloggers tag.
Daily for the next 30 days upvote this post while upvoting all the go to the NEW posts in the NEW area under the steembloggers tag to complete this daily challenge.
Upvote as many posts you can!!!
The goal is to upvote until you have reached the previous day. If you want you can keep going!!!

Upvote and Comment every day on this post, “Active” after completing this daily challenge.

This is just the beginning of the growth and development of this daily challenge. You and I can begin to build and improve the plan of action of the steembloggers community.


You got a 25.23% from @th3voter thanks to: @blockgators!

kitten fighting :)
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This post has upvoted from @th3voter !For more information, click here!

You can earn daily profit by delegating SP to our bot, 98% of earnings paid out to delegators. To do so, click below:
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Make sure you have at least 15 SP left on your account.

cool lets do it.

You got a 3.07% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @blockgators!

Hey @blockgators, Congratulations !!! We just upvoted your post with 20.00% power. Keep up the good work. Join our discord channel

You got a 40.00% upvote from @profitbot courtesy of @blockgators!
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You got a 14.31% upvote from @slimwhale courtesy of @blockgators!

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@slimwhale offers the best return on your investment, sharing 100% of the bidding pool rewards, daily, proportional to your investment.
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Release the Kraken! You got a 10.11% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @blockgators!

You got a 8.33% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @blockgators!

This post has received a 11.16% UpGoat from @shares. Send at least 0.1 SBD to @shares with a post link in the memo field.

Interested to earn daily? Delegate Steem Power to receive 95% payout rewards. Use this link to delegate SP to @Shares. Join us at discord chat.

Support my owner. Please vote @Yehey as Witness - simply click and vote.

You got a 55.25% upvote from @lrd courtesy of @blockgators!

This post has received a 10.26% upvote from @msp-bidbot thanks to: @blockgators. Delegate SP to this public bot and get paid daily: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP Don't delegate so much that you have less than 50SP left on your account.

This post has received a 6.94% upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @blockgators.

You got a 27.37% upvote from @proffit courtesy of @blockgators!

In the fight of Humans vs Bots, @megabot defended you with 15.82% upvote courtesy of @blockgators!

Support @Megabot by delegating SP to the bot and get a part of 98% of @Megabot's profit.

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Thank You !

You got a 33.33% upvote from @stef courtesy of @blockgators!

You got a 33.33% upvote from @ubot courtesy of @blockgators! Send 0.05 Steem or SBD to @ubot for an upvote with link of post in memo.

Every post gets Resteemed (follow us to get your post more exposure)!
98% of earnings paid daily to delegators! Go to for details.

You got a 12.35% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @blockgators!

You just received a 20.44% upvote from @honestbot, courtesy of @blockgators!

You got a 17.48% upvote from courtesy of @blockgators!

Send at least 0.1 SBD to participate in bid and get upvote of 0%-100% with full voting power.

Wow greate article!
Thanks for using the @postdoctor service!

You got a 38.38% upvote from @peace-bot courtesy of @blockgators!

Help spread the peace. Want to promote your posts too? Send a minimum of .02 SBD or STEEM to @peace-bot with link in the memo for an upvote on your post. You can also delegate to the bot for daily passive earnings. If you would like to delegate to the Peace Bot you can do so by clicking on the following links:
50SP 100SP 250SP 500SP 1000SP 5000SP

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Nice post ! You got 10.46% upvote from @flymehigh. Earn free sbd/steem daily by delegating(renting) your SP. We share high return, click here to delegate your sp to flymehigh if you don't know, how to earn passive income by delegating your SP click here for more info Join our discord You can promote your posts. Thanks.

You got a 21.32% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @blockgators! Delegate us Steem Power & get 100%daily rewards Payout! 20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500,1000 or Fill in any amount of SP Earn 1 SBD Per 1000 SP | Discord server

You got a 3.03% upvote from @dailyupvotes courtesy of @blockgators!

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