malaysia that I missed

in #steembloggers6 years ago

why I say malaysia that I miss, because I have not long kemalaysia to meet my brother and nephew, since the deceased my brother-in-law died I never again kemalaysia because no one wants to pay his fare
That's why I really miss Malaysia, I want to go for a walk while nagging my nephew and my sister .... moreover I want to shop ... hahahah ... that's what's in the minds of women shopping and shopping ... ha ha ha
shopping in malaysia makes me crazy to buy goods, when I am in malaysia almost every week I go out to shop for me and my children ...
pity you guys ...
follow @yantisteem


Cool photos - I spent just a few hours in Malaysia on two occasions. Great food! Similar to the food in Cape Town where I grew up. About shopping, I prefer online shopping these days, so I can spend more time on Steemit ;-)