in #steemchurch6 years ago



I wake up everyday and I relish on how sweet life is because I am counted amongst the graced to breathe in and out without difficulty. but I am also aware of the fact that time will always come everyday to shorten my days on earth. I also wake up everyday reminiscing of the day time and life will agree to take me off this earth. And that has always got me wondering where I would be in the end, heaven or hell?. my dear steemians, this day is going come and time would be inevitably unavailable for us to get a second chance. This is a topic every unsaved and saved Christians would wanna dodge but I am not gonna run from the truth. I am going to be discussing some revelations of facts that indicates how close we are to the end of the world.

Matthew 24:33 ...'So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.'
Looking at the world now, and considering the SIGNS of the end times, it is no doubt we are in the last days. The end time has no date. Dates that has been set by false prophecies is as a result of devil's wish to manipulate believers. when a date is set and it doesn't turn out as expected, believers begin to lose faiith and end up going back to their old way of life thinking there is still time.





Daniel 12:4 "even to the time of the end, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased"
Knowledge has increased slowly and in bits throughout history. perhaps, the explosion of knowledge in the past 150 years. This sign is pointing to the biblical truth when the true gospel will be preached freely as a result of running to and fro to seek for the true gospel. This true gospel will be delivered to the world before the end comes.


Luke 17:28-30 ...'Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.'
In our world today, violence, sexual immorality and homosexuality has become the order of the day. Homosexuality has become a norm in over 14countries in the world. Violence is also a major concern as it is present in today's world.


Hosea 4:3 ...'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.'
It is no news that the rate at which animals die over the last few years has become alarming. fishes die as a result of dealdly red tides, birds dropping from the sky dead and Bees and Bats die in millions



Luke 21:25-26 ...'and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.'
With the violent storm (hurricane) rocking the America continent over the years, it can be seen that it has really come to stay. Natural disaster has also been storming the world violently. A major change in climate has also contributed. men's heart are falling for fear as it is a life taking experience.



Matthew 24:6-7 ...'And ye shall hear of wars ... For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.'
Just because war has been in the beginning, many people do not classify it as a sign of end time. The perceived threats between USA and north Korea is a war related occurrence which has got the whole world standing on their toes. Nations are rising against each other rapidly and this relates to the bible.

           Finally it is important that we realized the end time has no specific date but SIGNS. The bible speaks about the SIGNS but recorded no dates. Satan keeps setting these dates to turn people away from the truth. these SIGNS as revealed by the bible , it is crystal clear and justified to be happening now but just like in the days of Noah and lots, people failed to listen and when destruction came, they were unprepared and all died. Therefore, I want to urge the steem-church-community to get prepared for the fate of the unprepared is destruction. May God grant us the strength to yield to his biddings. Amen

We are pleased with your writeup. If you are told that it will rain tomorrow, you will definitely go out with an umbrella.

This is a warning for us all.

Upvoted & Resteemed

The signs of the last days are everywhere. When Jesus' disciples asked him when will the end of the system of things, he directed them to the signs. You really mentioned quite a number of signs.

Farmine is one those signs. And it even happens in developed nations at times, it is really common in developing nations.

That time Jesus was asked when the kingdom will come, he said he did not know that only the father does. This means we have to be on guard till that very our, and strive to serve God. I'm certain Jesus knows the time by now though, since he has returned to his father in the heavens.

Thanks for this reminder.

Most people know that the world is over, you just have to be close to God. To be sow of the Lord in the kingdom of God

The signs of the end time have been on for years now. The bible documentation of it has been shown and you have @ben pointed them out again.

The book of revelation has more. These are times we need to draw closer to God.


We are living in the last days, Nations are rising against nations, famine and death increasing just as the Bible predicted.

False prophets are more rampant in our society, we all should be prepared for the Second Coming Of Christ.

The Book Of Revelation By Apostle John Reveals The Signs Of The End Time.

You even knew the verses of the dead fishes! Good job. Knowledge shall increased. I also heard it used as meaning to the growth of technology and the science. It can also mean Bible knowledge and prophetic understand will expand! Whatever its meaning, I think we are living in those moments!

I have heard of these signs many times in the past, but it is a good thing to recall and be reminded how close we are living to the end days.

I feel that the business of life can get the best of us so easily. BUSY- Being-Under-Satan- Yoke. Take care and thanks for the Bible study.

You've spoken well @dadup. Thanks

These are really times of the end. We should be very careful of how we behave and act so as not to go astray from the coverage of God.

The end times are indeed upon us. The recent world happenings have all been predicted and are happening as we speak. We as christians have to put hands together in prayers and faith to survive .

Great post, the end of time is here, we all need to move closer to God so that we will not lose the kingdom of God ...God will help us

The sing of the end time is quit everywhere it can be seen because we were warned before hand revelation,but is only those who are orepared in spirit and in flesh will overcome the tribulations that come @benlegend-1 is quite awesome seing you around i assume this is actually your first steemchurch post thanks for engaging and adding value to the community.