Confidence In God and His Word

in #steemchurch6 years ago
Text: 1 Samuel 1:18

And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.

From the text above, this is an example of one who has taken her problems to God and left it there.

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Today, some or most of us may lack this same confidence and this may be so because we are moved by sight and not by faith. We pray, we sing, we plead to the Father to help us and still remain in a state of pain and agony. It is important we learn to leave it there at his throne, but how? You may ask. After we ask, let's keep working and most importantly read his word; The comfort from his word will see us through till that which we seek comes to pass. Have confidence in him today and always for he is God who never sleeps nor slumber.

Ephesians 3:16-17

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

A life with God in it is a fulfilled and well spent one. But how can a life be well spent if our physical life is hard: It's difficult to get rent paid, what is earned cannot make ends meet, health is failing because one is psychologically drained.

To get answers to these questions, we must go back to the foundation (The Bible). If we study and meditate, God will give us peace that passes all understanding. This peace makes things easier, gives joy which gives the right atmosphere to think creatively. It may not be that the situation has changed but it is the faith that God is fixing things up and it can only get better.

To every one of us who thinks God is far or who is putting their trust in man, think no more for God is standing by, put your trust only in Him. Indeed in Him, we can be happy always. For he is the God who can do more than we think or imagine.


Those who walk in the confidence of God have the marks of contentment. They live a life without covetousness, they are satisfied with what they have, and they experience the constant companionship and care of Almighty God. Thanks for sharing.

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Upvoted & Resteemed

Sometimes as Christians we must always learn to key into the unending promises of God, his words are more than a certainly, when we learn to have faith and confidence in the words of God, things will work together for our good.

Naturally God's plan for us naturally is of good and when we learn to key into his words then we are walking by faith in his words

His word never fails

Yea,thisbisb so true,as believers,our trust and confidence should be on God and him alone,let the word of Christ dwell richly in you,let's God's word be the final say in your life ,put your trust always in him,1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Thank you for this post!
Lack of confidence in God is what is making us run Helter skelta!
When we pray over a thing and we know God heard us,

  1. We should believe that the timing is in God's hands not your own!
  2. We should know that God loves us more than how we love ourselves!
  3. That in all our afflictions, He is afflicted!
  4. That His plans are better than our plans!
  5. That all things work together for our good if we know we love Him and are the called!

We don't command God or use God as some do because your prayers can't fast forward not rewind Him!
We should also realise that God is not a magician but a miracle worker.
If we want quick fixes without process, the devil is so good at that through his servants(charms, talisman, juju, Marine powers etc).

Having confidence in Him is through His infallible word through His own process because he that believe shall not make haste!

Thanks for sharing this, God will help us overcome our challenges with his help.

To have confidence is to have faith in God. God want you to confide in him all the time. It doesnt matter what you go through in life always confide in God because he is the only one to see you through.
Thanks for sharing.

The individuals who stroll in the certainty of God have the characteristics of happiness. They carry on with an existence without rapaciousness, they are happy with what they have, and they encounter the steady fellowship and care of Almighty God. Much obliged for sharing.