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RE: Is Poverty A Sign Of God's Disapproval?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

All I can say here is that,from the beginning, God made everything that man needed available. When man fell into sin,man was rob from the original plan and man has to struggle in order to get his daily bread.

But Christ death help to renewed the promises by taken us back to the first intention through His blood for the atonement for our sins.

Man is declared blessed through Christ.
Most people that complaints of been poor today are those that lack the knowledge of the word of God. There are steps to be followed to be blessed even after accepting Christ.(Eg Giving,Tithe and Offering). Most people prefer to hold back the little they have.

Also some are blessed but they are not content with what they have. According to our LORD'S prayer "Give us this day our daily bread". Some worried more about the needs of tomorrow whereas God always meet all their daily needs.

In addition, we have to seek first God kingdom first then all what we are chasing and struggling to get will be added to us without stress.
Mathew 6:33