The tragedy of a devotee to God?

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Brothers and Sisters

Who was Samson?

What moves us is the tragedy of so many people who were consecrated to God; people who, through sin, lost what God has of better, instruments in the hands of God that he needed to discard. Is there a way back for such disqualified people? Judges 16 tells of the wreck of Samson and his way back to the Lord.


He declared it before Delilah, in Judges 16:17 (NVT): "... I was consecrated to God ...". Allow me to say something: you are also a person consecrated to God. In one way or another, you belong to God. He has full property rights over you, for he bought him (1 Corinthians 6.20; 7.23; 1 Peter 1.18-19). In that way you are in the same situation as Samson, for God says: "... you are mine" (Isaiah 43.1).

From the earliest age Samson was blessed by the Lord. "He grew, and the Lord blessed him" (Judges 13:24). Are you also a blessed person? Either way, you are under the divine promise: "... I will bless you" (Genesis 12.2). You receive the blessing of the Lord - but receive it to the fullest extent only if he can dispose of his right of ownership over you. The tragedy of many people consecrated to God begins with the fact that they, through their disobedience, deprive the Lord of their right to property. "He came for what was his, but his own did not receive him" (John 1.11). The cause of the lack of blessing in your life is that he does not have the right, but only you have it.

Samson was moved by the Spirit of God. We can see a promising start in that man's life. "And the Spirit of the Lord began to act on him ..." (Judges 13.25). Is not it a signal for every child of God? "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God" (Romans 8.14). There are no limits to what the Lord can do in a person's life when the Spirit of God prepares to guide it.

Thus, Samson had great strength to overcome, as well as great weakness.

The victory: "Finding the corpse of a donkey, he took the jaw and with it killed a thousand men." Then he said: "With a complaint of ass I made them piles. With one donkey complaint I killed a thousand men "(Judges 15.15-16).

The weakness, "Samson was very thirsty and cried out to the Lord: 'This from the hand of your servant this great victory, will I die of thirst now to fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?'" (Judges 15:18).


Why do these two extremes happen: after the greatest victory is the greatest misery? Answer: because Samson did not win victory in victory. In the feeling of power of the recent victory he exclaimed: "With a donkey's complaint I made of him piles" (verse 16a). - Son of God, do you know this paradox of victory and weakness in your life? It is the Lord who seeks to free himself from that illusion of self. In his weakness, Samson was brought back to the right place. In verse 16b he said: "With one ass complaint I killed a thousand men." But when he was overcome with thirst, he exclaimed: "From this hand of your servant is this great victory" (verse 18).

When you feel weak and unhappy, then calmly draw out the words of 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10: "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, because my power is perfected in weakness.' Therefore, I will still boast. more joyfully in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ rests in me, that is why, for the love of Christ, I rejoice in weaknesses, in insults, in needs, in persecutions, in anguish. weak, is that I'm strong."

God Bless You!



Good story to remember that man should not trust all his secrets.

Resteem by: EC

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