Why did Jesus have to die?

in #steemchurch5 years ago

SteemChurch/ Christian-trail: Peace!

Currently, we read about the death of Jesus.

When we read his story, we ask ourselves: Jesus healed so many sick people, dominated the winds and the sea, multiplied bread and fish and raised the dead. But now he was betrayed, imprisoned, unjustly condemned to death, mocked, humiliated, scourged and crucified.


He could not have saved himself?

Yes, He could! But he did not do it for love of me and you. Nothing made him go back! He gave himself as a sacrifice. He suffered all this in our place, because we were the ones who deserved to die like this. He did not commit any sin.

He was God Himself giving His life to rescue us from eternal death so that our sins could be forgiven and we had eternal life!

But his story does not end with his death, because on the third day he returned to life, ascended to heaven and sat at the Father's right. His name is honored above all names.

God planned all this and it was like that He proved his love for us! No other demonstration of love is necessary! What Christ did is enough! We have no alternative but to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, because it was through his death and resurrection that He opened a way to reach God!

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