A celebration of joy and hope!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Today’s celebration gives us a glimpse of the heavenly life enjoyed by the countless men and women who put their trust in God in this life and are now singing his praises in heaven. They are rejoicing in the victory of Jesus, whose death and resurrection have saved them from death and brought them to share his glorious life.


“See what love the Father has bestowed on us” (1 John 3:1)! What is that love? It’s the gift of his only Son, making us all into children of God. It is the gift of his cross, made present to us by the Holy Spirit, that empowers us to know Jesus and to become more and more like him. It is the gift of knowing that, even as we rejoice in our redemption here on earth, a time will come when we are completely united with Christ-and reunited with all of our loved ones in heaven.

Think of the millions and millions of people who have walked the way of faith and are now enjoying the presence of God and the glory of their heavenly citizenship. Today’s feast is a celebration of their joy. It is also a celebration of the hope that we can know as we try our best to walk the same path that all these past believers have walked. It’s a day to be encouraged by their lives, so that we can “rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us” (Hebrews 12:1).

Don’t forget that all these holy ones are interceding for you before the throne of God! They know that we still struggle with sin and temptation. Even today, they are praying that we will come to enjoy the constant happiness that they are experiencing right now. So have faith. You are not alone! You are part of a large family-and one day, you’ll get to meet them all!

It's a privilege and extension of God's loving kindness that enables us to see every new day. We need to be happy and rejoice because we are not alive because of our might, but rather God will help us. Thanks for talking about this.

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Glory be to God the father of all that gave us love, joy and hope of eternal life through the death of His only begotten son Jesus Christ.
We are happy and joyful because of the finished work of Christ on the cross.

We have confidence in Him that died and rose and keep on pleading on our behalf for us to have eternal rest and joy

It is the gift of knowing that, even as we rejoice in our redemption here on earth, a time will come when we are completely united with Christ-and reunited with all of our loved ones in heaven.
Think of the millions and millions of people who have walked the way of faith and are now enjoying the presence of God and the glory of their heavenly citizenship.

The Joy is indescribable, uncontainable and unfathomable.
The Joy we would feel when we get to Heaven to be with our Saviour.😊
There is no other Joy that can be compared to it.
Salvation is GOD'S Greatest gift to us.

Thanks for Sharing this with us.

The joy to be revealed cannot be compared to any kind of happiness we have had in this world. Soon all sorrows will be turned into joy.
Knowing that we have a big family interceding on our behalf in heaven gives us more hope and assurance that we are not alone. Thanks for this message @midknight

We should always have joy in our heart all the time for God has given us hope through his son.
He the lord has aways known that we are weak and that we cannot do without him then he send us his son to give us streight and power so that whosoever believes in him shall always have eternal life.
Victory is here with me all the time because I have Christ in me and my life is focused in doing the will of God .
Christ in his infinite mercy has always provided for us all we need to worship him and conquer all out enemies.
The promise he made is the utmost promise any body can make by giving us his son to die for our sake .
We all should be prepared to accept the fact that what he has don't is wonderful and great.
When Christ came to the earth he was able to fulfill the promise if his father and then he promised his desciples of the comforter who is the holly spirit.
Its good to be with the spirit and work in the parts of the holy spirit
The fruit of the holy spirit has always be with us in we have be doing.
Making right decision is by doing what the lord wants from you and taking your life towards the part of holiness towards doing the right thing at the right time with the love of Christ leading you.
Changing the world and making right descion can be done in fuseing the things you listed with the word of God and making a clear descision of the different between the good and the bad.
With the little you have help those who don't have and God will always be happy with you.
Your life will always be filled with his joy and His mercies when your decisions are clear and your life is focused towards the right part of God.
Believe what the spirit tells you

We must feel joy because the joy of Jesus' salvation is with us!

Because of the love of the father and the son we have become adopted sons of the father and co- hire to the kingdom of heaven

Thanks for this.
We are happy and filled with joy unspeakable because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
When our hope was lost, God out of his love through his son gave us His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for us in order to break the limitations between we and God and thereby grant us the joy everlasting with the hope of eternal rest with Him.

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Colossians 1:27

That is a great reminder "Don’t forget that all these holy ones are interceding for you before the throne of God! They know that we still struggle with sin and temptation. Even today, they are praying that we will come to enjoy the constant happiness that they are experiencing right now. So have faith. You are not alone! You are part of a large family-and one day, you’ll get to meet them all" thanks for your marvellous write up.

Don’t forget that all these holy ones are interceding for you before the throne of God! They know that we still struggle with sin and temptation. Even today, they are praying that we will come to enjoy the constant happiness that they are experiencing right now. So have faith. You are not alone! You are part of a large family-and one day, you’ll get to meet them all!

Again, hope is the anticipation and expectation that God will eventually work out everything for His own good, and that He will fully take up your current crisis and properly handle it for you if you will only believe and have enough faith, trust, and hope that He will do this for you.

Behold the manner of love that the father has given unto us, that we should be called the Sons and Daughters of God.

That's our greatest joy!

The joy spoken in the scripture is not a naive, stick your hand in your hear and your head on the sand. kind of joy that denies the real worries and challenges which threaten us. It is the kind of joy that looks beyond and above those immediate concern in confident hope in the promise of God

Thank you for that undeserved love and become part of your family, my beloved father