How Can A High Frequency Poster Be Determined?

in #steemcleaners7 years ago (edited)


In steemit, there are some very good authors, whom I like read, curate and follow their posts. In fact, they are on my steemvoter list, so that I don't get to miss any of their posts. However, I first noticed immediately after hard fork 19 that a steemian with very high reputation (70 +) and  loads of steem power (SP), posted not less that 15 times within a space of 24 hours. Since I wouldn't want to mention names, I would use this badge below to illustrate how highly placed these people are in steemit. 

 I saw my voting power that day reduce to less than 50%. I couldn't figure out what the problem was when I checked. The only thing that came to my mind that day was that someone was stealing my votes. I cried out for help through a post. Later, many kind Steemians rallied round me to assist. It was discovered that this person in question was on my voter list, which I set to vote  at 100% before the hard fork. I had to quickly adjust the weight of my votes for everyone on my list, since those votes were draining my voting power.  Fast forward to this week.

Posting Five Times A Day

 I have noticed again since the start of this week that some Steemians with 70+ reputation, with relatively high steem power (SP) are posting as much as five times within a 24 hour period. The understanding is there that these very well meaning veteran Steemians are doing this to help those of us who are fairly new (less than 6 months) in the steemit ecosystem. For that, I am very grateful. A blog post of @steemcleaners titled- Tag Spam and High Frequency Posting Guide,  caught my attention  regarding frequent posting of content on steemit. 


The post does not really state in numbers how often one person can post in a day for it to be considered as high frequency posting. This has raised a question which I would like to pose. My question to @steemcleaners and every member of this amazing community is this. Is it okay for me or any other Steemian to post 5 times a day, within 24 hours? 

Image source 1,2,3

Please, good and honest answers to these questions would be highly appreciated. 

How often on the average do you post in a 24 hour period? Feel free to share your thoughts. 

Please, reblog/resteem and upvote  this post. 

Follow @maryfavour

Thanks for taking time to read!


Personally, i will not support the idea of someone posting more than 3 times in 24hrs fro several reasons....

One; what more constitutes spam if not excessive posting? That's simply grand spamming to me...and by the way how can such post be helpful to newbies. I think this argument of helping newbies through such post does not have any logical bases.

Two; posting more than five times in a day is a precursor to churning out intellectual garbages. This is because i understand the amount of time it takes to prepare a very good article; just one ooo! So how much more when you are to write more than one?

Three, i consider this as someone being blindly overambitious and greedy. How can someone with rep score of 70+ be posting more than 5 times in a day and posit he is helping newbies? His numerous posts will just overshadow those of newbies. This is because a typical steemian, when presented with two separately authored articles to by a 70+ rep steemian and the other a <30 rep steemian...the person will most likely go for the article written by a 70+ rep steemian no matter the number of times the 70+ steamian must have posted articles on that particular day. Under this circumstance, how do you expect the new steemian to succeed. This is just being greedy

I can keep on reeling out more reasons, but i think the instances above aptly captured my stance regarding the subject of discourse.

I think your question as regarding this subject is very timely. It will really go a long way, by the time it is debated upon, to help people find out the reasons for and against that, and take a position.


One man's food is another's poison...

You can post as much as you like provided that you have some zombies that will keep upvoting your multiple posts. However, there is no moral justification as to the number of times you can vote that is why you see the THE FLAG PHENOMENON to check mate how much goes out of the reward pool to a particular user in a period.

I like your perspective to a great extent, @steem-lagos. It might not really be possible to apply /use THE FLAG PHENOMENON on Steemians with reputation 70+ . That account might get nuked outrightly, especially if it an account below 40.

Very true, have seen some try that and leads to his folly.

A 52 rep going against 70, i just laughed and drank water on top of it!

I am glad that are here, @eurogee. My views regarding posting frequency align better with yours. Posting more than 3 times a day, even with good intentions, in my opinion, is a bit more on the high posting frequency side. I absolutely agree with your 3 solid views that firstly, such posts may be considered as spam. Secondly, posts will be of low quality. I can relate to that. Literally, it takes me hours to create almost all of the content on my posts that you see. Thirdly and unfortunately, such persons with rep 70+ will be viewed as greedy, leaving very little in the reward pool for newbies. Thank you so much for your time and invaluable contribution. Steem on!

You are welcome

You raised some interesting points in this post. Very high frequency of posting and resteeming could be annoying for some people.
It is difficult to give a number for that. The important thing to consider if the posts involved quality material.

Usually I publish 3 or less posts per day, plus some occasional resteemed posts.

However people participating in different contests, e.g. photography contents, could increase the number of posts per day. But as I wrote before, the important thing to consider is the quality of the material posted!

Glad to see you here, @nenio. Feedback from this post makes me understand that high frequency posting is relative and totally unacceptable by fellow Steemians. Secondly, people value quality over quantity. Limiting posting frequency to 3 times a day or less might be a better way to go with some occassional resteemed posts. Participating in contests is something to consider as well when Great response, @nenio! I really appreciate it. Thank you. Steem on!!!

This post contains serious questions that needs to be debated on but personally i believe in individual difference .Thanks for sharing, upvoted and rebloged.

Yes, @oluwatobiloba. The questions are serious and debatable. Individual differences are there like you rightly believe in. However, if such people whom I respect so much and look up to are posting 5 times a day, then I'll reconsider and readjust my little stake weighted votes for them. Thanks for your comment, contribution, upvote and reblog. Keep steeming !!!

Hello @maryfavour! I think you have noticed that I post only once a day, it is rare that I will make 2 posts in 24 hours! By posting one quality post I really feel my followers will better appreciate it and will look forward to my daily post! I just hate seeing people posting many times a day, and most of the time no value post!
I also unfollow all those posting many times a day as I am just interested in reading quality post where I learn something new! I love having a good looking home feed!
It would be great if there was a feature restricting users to make several posts per day! This would be very beneficial to everyone on the platform and help reduce spammers and plagiarism!
Thank you

Hello @progressivechef! Yes, I have noticed that you post once a day. One quality posts a day is finitely better than 100 low quality ones. A very important issue that you have raised here is that of unfollowing high frequency posters. The second is that such posts are considered as spam because of the high frequency . Thanks a lot for sharing your perspectives on this issue of high frequency posting. I really appreciate them. Cheers.

This is a good question. Initially, i thought once a day is ideal but after calving out my niche, i realized that is not possible. Quality as against quantity should be the driven force. Once a day is okay for me.

Solid reason..i am even finding it difficult to post one article because of the nature if my business. I mostly comment on peoples posts, however.

It's true, @eurogee. Some businesses will allow you the needed time to attend to steemit business. That strategy of commenting on people's post is even the best, because more and more people will get t know you. Steem on!

I'm happy that you are here, @smyle to share your perspective on this issue of high frequency posting. I like the twist of calving out one's niche that you've added. This is really key, especially for newbies. For instance, after blogging on this platform consistently for about 5 months, veteran Steemians now know my niche (public health, food & nutrition, travel, singing & dancing sometimes). Yes, I very much agree with you that quality as against quantity should be the driving force. Thanks for your contribution. Steem on!!!

well mary, I post about 4 times daily. You don't post very often.. but you are generally self made. So I know you are more quality as opposed to quantity. I'm a mix of both :)

Nice to have you here, @bearbear613! It's quite interesting for me to know that you post 4 times daily. You are correct that I don't post very often and focus more on quality than quantity. Well, I have a tough time, in my tight schedule, responding to almost all comments that usually trail my blog post. Second main reason is that I like to somehow reward anyone who constructively comment on my post. Granted, I don't have to do that. However, that is my own way of showing appreciation for the time people take to read the content of my post and then comment on it. I guess your mixed style is better.

that's why I consistently READ what you post. I know you take care of those who curate.

Aaaaaaw, thanks a million for consistently reading what I post! Your commendation means a lot to me, @bearbear613. That's true. I do my best to care for those who curate my content. Wish I had loads of steem power to do better. Anyway, hope that time will come soon. Cheers.

I generally wouldn't vote for anyone more than once per day (absolute maximum). Voting power is needed in so many other good places. If those people are on bots and getting auto-votes, I think they are doing a disservice by posting more frequently. But when there's money involved, it does take some self-restraint.

It's my great pleasure and honour to have you here, sir, @donkeypong! I totally understand and agree with your views. '' But when there's money involved, it does take some self-restraint.'' Unfortunately, sir, this is not the case with such people. Believe it or not, yesterday night again I had to adjust my voting weight downward for one of my favorite authors who posted 3 times within an hour. I was just watching everything on . Just like you've stated, voting power is needed in so many other good places. I sincerly appreciate your invaluable contribution and comment. Thank you and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

If they post that much they are just being silly, there is no limit, but many people who do curation and voting don't want to waste their power on someone who posts so often.

A visit from you is always an honour, @dragonslayer109. I appreciate your honest response to my question. Besides, I buy your view of many people not wanting to waste their power on someone who posts very often. Thanks and enjoy a lovely weekend.

Truthfully, nobody in their right mind does that. And if they happen to do, not all the post will get higher coverage because i for one will get tired of upvoting same person over and over in a day....

I believe that if @maryfavour did not experience it, she wouldn't have put it out in a post. Well, yes I agree that not all of the posts will get higher coverage. There is no manual curator who wouldn't get tired of curating the same person's post 5 time a day, leaving him/her with just 5 more times to use his/her full power votes. Remember that not everyone has the time to sit and manually vote on contents, that is why such persons chose to use steemvoter and/or streemian.

To gain the maximum value from posting, you should create FOUR high quality posts in 24 hours. After 4 the value of your posts goes down exponentially but never reaches zero.

I, personally, am trying to build Steem into my day job. Because of this, I have several posts queued at any time to keep up a steady 3-4 posts per day.

I haven't recognized anything similar to this, but you might be right. Sometimes my biggest upvotes have come after hours, sometimes even after 24h of the post being made.

I appreciate you reading my post and sharing your thoughts, @apsu. I agree with you to an extent that biggest upvote come sometimes after 24 hours. However, that is not the case most of the time. Best thing is to try to capture as much votes withing the first 24 hours. There is a post I wrote this week sitting there with just about $1 . Steem on!!!

Thanks @timeshiftarts for your response. So, for you 4 high quality posts a day are in order. Good to know!

@maryfavour you have raised a valid point. Just on the lines of hi frequency traders these are high frequency posters. I was using steemvoter for one such whale. I simply removed his name

Thanks for reading my blog, @maochitse! Unfortunately, I had to also remove the name of a whale from my steemvoter list. My voting power, which was being drained, thanked me for my action, though. Steem on!!!

I am a newbie and I would not know much.

I guess there is a policy guiding posting stuff on steemit. What does it state? Then we can argue from there.

A very warm welcome to steemit, @chiama! There is no policy per se guiding posting articles on steemit. We only have a guide written by steemcleaners, which I have linked to this post. Find time to read the guide. Be sure to follow @redfishpillar project for more guidance. It is my project for helping newbies like you. Cheers.

I think someone should post as many times as they feel is necessary and let the Steemit eco system decide if it’s worth their time to read. With that said, one should always expect diminishing returns for their work. Personally, I try and average a weekly rate of 1 blog a day, and I do not blog every day. The people who have been here greater than 6 months have a format for success and I can’t blame them for using it.

They have developed their writing skills to a point where it’s now easier for them to make blogs. They know how to edit them, they understand how to efficiently make images, they know what tags to use. All of these things add a lot of time to a blog post.

I can easily spend 20 minutes trying to find tags I like. More often than not I still use the same ones I just wanted to see if I could find better. It uses to take me forever to edit and format my blogs now I format them as I write them. Even my time to find, edit photos is down from 10-15 minutes to a few minutes per photo. I know where my mistakes tend to be when I write so I am more careful around that area and need to spend less time as well rewriting things. The longer you do something the better you get at it. I’m not much of a blogger but I can easily put out 20 comments a day and it no longer takes me as long to get out very long ones either.

I think the bigger issue here is auto voting. These people are not always getting a lot of eyeballs. They just get a lot of upvotes from people who auto curtails things. While there is a very small list of people I auto vote as they have earned my trust and respect my own personal wishes of not blogging to many times a day. I still prefer manual curtailing and I think the community should focus more on that. Far too many people just don’t want to spend the time of finding content and upvoting it themselves. This is why I don’t follow a lot of people.It allows me to use my follow feed to my advantage. I know the types of people who are posting and I respect what they resteem as well to be worth my time in reading. It makes it easy for me to see and find things to upvote myself.

From what I have seen in my short time on Steemit is that many people who generate several posts in a day often do not post anything worth reading, at least for me. For me it also comes across as "doing it for the money." Such posts seem to be mainly fluff pieces on everything under the sun with no real insight or original ideas. Many are riddled with grammatical errors or have zero flow as if they were put together in a few spare minutes. Its kind of the "throw spagetti at the wall and hope something sticks" approach. In many cases I feel that I would be better off reading about the topic on wikipedia or by doing a quick google search myself lol. I find that you can really tell who puts effort into their posts and who has good ideas and who is original. I am not saying that either way is right or wrong but my two cents is that its a turn off lol. Good content speaks for itself.

The rule tells us that we can post every five minutes but when there is such as autovote on a particular steemian then there will be problems like a depletion of power for the curator for other people so it is just complicated. But I would also post whenever an idea comes up because it means an extra earnings.

I had some people on autoupvote on Streemian also. The same thing made me remove everyone and stick to manual upvoting. My upvotes are probably not worth much presentl but I'm sure that they would be of help to someone. If one person decides to post several times a day, there is nothing wrong with it. The decision to either upvote all the works or select a few good ones and upvote them lies in with you.

Thanks for writing on this Mary. I am generally very quiet aside from what I post, and comments here and there...but I watch, and have been wondering about the "curators"...meaning the auto-curating. Just watching how it works, and the effects it has.

When I find a good post, or at least one I really like, I follow the person to see more. Once every couple weeks I go through everyone I have followed, and take a look over their last few months posts and decide if I actually want to follow them. I find that I un-follow people who post so much that their content is low or has no form of continuity, or people who resteem so much that I cannot find their own posts. (aside from a couple people who only resteem, but I find it all helpful)

There are two people I manually curate, because I really like them and their content...I actually followed them here from youtube. But I really don't understand the massive auto curating. I can see that curators can make alot of SD and SP, but most of the time they are not reading the content.

I am mystified.

I only make one post a day or less, and they can take hours to do...unless I am giving a quick update on a project where people are waiting to see it...