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RE: Update on Steem Proposal System/Steem.DAO

in #steemdao5 years ago

How about we start with witness rewards from the top 20? Or would that seem premature with further consideration, as well as detrimental to you personally?

How about we consider other sources besides the rewards pool which provides incentive to benefit Steem? After all, inflation hasn't been used to fund development before, so why should we suddenly change the extant funding mechanism for one never tried without considering alternatives?


Why don't we pull inflation from multiple sources?

Why don't we consider other sources than rewards? Consider: rewards are incentives for effecting benefits for Steem, things that tend to increase it's value. Why diminish them?

Development has not drawn from inflation to date. Instead Stinc has directly funded development by spending it's stake. This discussion of using inflation/rewards to fund development is NEW. That is not how development has been funded so far, at least not by those developing Steem itself.

Using rewards to fund development is not necessary. Rewards are critically important to create value of Steem. Consider that other sources besides rewards have always been the source of funding for development, and may remain the best options today.