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RE: Update on Steem Proposal System/Steem.DAO

in #steemdao5 years ago (edited)

While tech as an industry is fast and nimble, it is through evolution that this is expressed. In other words, those individual companies that fail and break die, and the rest of the industry continues along without those failures.

Individual companies that can quickly recover from failures that break them can be fast and nimble. Steem requires a consensus of witnesses to implement code after that code has been developed, and that is after learning what code should be developed. All that takes time, and is not fast and nimble.

We need to carefully NOT implement code that will break Steem, as it will take months to recover if we do break Steem. Steem is not fast and nimble in that sense, and the DAO will make it far less nimble that one stakeholder being able to decide what it wrong and fixing it has been. Just grasping as a community that there is a problem, and then deciding what to do about that problem, will take more time than Stinc took to fix the RC problem that came from HF20, for example.

Steem development has only been funded through direct spending of the stake of a single stakeholder to this day. The DAO is intended to enable us to fund development, and spending the stake of Stinc to do that is no longer going to be the only means of doing so.

Speculating that reducing spending on marketing to increase spending on development - which is what drawing from inflation will do - without negative consequences to marketing, is foolish, and I am confident it will harm Steem.

Let's give this a lot of thought before casting it in code that will take months to undo if it's done wrong.