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RE: STEEM Forum Interface (Prototype)

in #steemdb7 years ago

I think if Steem is to survive and thrive in the long run that it needs more of this kind of thing. Multiple different kinds of interfaces and uses. I see it as the Usenet/Fidonet of the 21st century. I would be neat if someone could come up with a way to implement "Steempress" that would be something like Wordpress that individuals could install on their own servers. It would work in a similar manner except that it would leverage the steem blockchain for users, posts and comments.


Hah, I've been working on a prototype for this as well. The Updates section (as well as and are all running Reprint, which is an open source blog engine that reads from the STEEM blockchain.

It's been a little slow going for a number of reasons, but it definitely works :)