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RE: SteemDice daily report 22/09/2017

in #steemdice7 years ago (edited)

You would probably have to be more specific, i do have an issue as well though. Betting .1 @ 78% shows on the block chain to yield a .126 return, but when you win you only receive .125. I know its a rounding thing, but for clarity it should not display incorrectly, or should pay out correctly. @steemdice1
EDIT: Support just giving a contact email would also be much much better, because I'm not going to setup a 3rd party app for my email, and almost none will put in the effort to dig out your contact email, which may be the idea.


its a server sided bid that doesnt let you bit yet use your moeny. how can I be more specific than that? check the ones the server didnt process on my wallet, last 5 or 10 i believe

Sorry, I looked through your wallet but I can't find any unprocessed transactions. Please provide a screenshot with timestamp/block or transaction ID.

except that I sent you like 3 times that value and they were all valid.
honestly idk what happened but your bot fucked UP, they were all valid bets and my money vanished
i got those 0.077 refunds when i bet like 0.2

twisted, check it.

Those transactions are from you to the bot. It returned the exact same amount with a notice that the bet was invalid (too small).

Thanks for spotting this, will look into it.

Thanks love the project and enjoy tossing you guys my money XD