Steemfest 3 - The Final Countdown to Take Off

in #steemfest6 years ago

Steemfest 3 - The Final Countdown to Take Off.png

It has been a long road, but today I shall be jumping on a plane to fly to Krakow and join hundreds of other steemians at this year’s hottest ticket for all things steem, Steemfest3. To read more about the latest announcements, speakers and round table discussions, please follow this link to @roelandp's post.

My flight isn't until around 3pm so I have until midday until I have to leave for the airport. Yesterday I moved apartment, and now feeling suitably knackered what do I decide to do with my morning before the flight... write this post. Yeah, I know, the height of sensibleness. But my bags are packed, the nerves are jangling so I thought what better way to distract myself.

My Steemfest Diary 3

There are so many things to do at steemfest that it would be impossible to do them all. Luckily, I have my goals for what I want to contribute to steemit pretty much set in my mind, so it is easier to decide what I want to see in relation to realizing the potential of my ideas. So here is a breakdown of the things I'm excited to do/see.

@ned's opening speech, entitled 'a chat with ned'! Who isn't excited for hearing the thoughts for the future of steem from the kingpin himself? Having watched his explanation of SMT's when preparing my Writcoin presentation post for @sndbox my first question would be, what exactly are SMT's? Please could you dumb it down for someone who is technically challenged like me. In my mind I imagine a stern glance and a puff of smoke from the cigar before the call goes up from stage left, 'next question please'. Sorry if I'm characterizing you here as some type of Mafioso Ned. It is all in jest ;-)

Next up I will be battling my desire to stay at the main stage to see PAL/MSP speak about their community or hop on over to the Balcony stage to see @cryptogee speak. Described as Sci-Fi author, entrepreneur, tech geek/motivational speaker, his presentation could be interesting and relevant to what I am trying to do in relation to creative writing on the platform.

To be honest some of this first (Thursday) morning may be taken up finding @llfarms a shot of, nerve steadying, whiskey to go into her coffee and helping with last minute issues for the @curie curation presentation at midday. This is one of the moments I'm most looking forward to as Justine takes to the stage to deliver a presentation that I have helped in producing as an editor. The team also includes @abh12345 and @bitrocker2020 so it will be great to watch what we have all helped build and offer Justine the support of friendly faces from the front row. Seriously, even if there are a gang of whales sat in the front I'm turfing them out of their seats so we can support our rep up on stage 😉

Two other features that I am very keen on seeing are the @sndbox presentation and the screening of @brian-rhodes film The Order of Things to Come. Also, the state of the Apps, Partiko presentation, and I definitely want to see the art at steemfest exhibition. Lol, I have just realized that if I continue on with a full diary, this the post will be 15 pages long and I will end up missing my flight. So I'm going to move on and tell you about my plans for content while at steemfest 3. Who and what I see over the next 7 days shall have to remain a mystery, a surprise that you'll have to wait to read about in the posts I have planned.

Sharing Steemfest with the Community

So, I am taking my laptop bag, but unfortunately it won't contain a laptop which recently gave up the ghost, instead I've packed it with clothes and notebooks. I recently discovered on a trip to York, that the processor in my laptop is seriously laggy. Like 1990's Intel 386 chip-set laggy. When I type, the words don't even appear on the screen until 10 seconds later. On top of this, web pages take ages to load and it's just not worth the time it takes to make a steemit post. I would end up spending all of my evenings creating posts. So, I've decided instead to write bite-sized impressions of steemfest using the @partiko app on my phone. This will be the first time I have used Partiko and I shall be writing a full review of my experience, along with longer steemfest posts, when I get back from Krakow. So if you want to keep up with what is going on at steemfest, keep an eye out for my Steemfest Snippets series over the next week.

These will range from short impressionistic descriptions of presentations to creative pieces, poems and maybe even the odd steefest drunken story. I'm not 100% sure yet and this is part of the fun. Who knows what will happen. All the posts will have pictures, but markdown will be basic and there may be one or two phone related typos. Right, I have to go and jump on a bus to the airport now, see you all on the other side.

I hope you will join me in checking out Steemfest 3 in the Steemfest Snippets series. Thank you for reading.




Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków

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Animation By @zord189



Hope you have a blast Raj! Meeting so many people and learning is going to be awesome and all that but don't forget the #1 rule of travel: Food pics or it didn't happen. :^)

Have a great time!! Pretty sure it will be a great steemfest :)

Hope you have an epic time!!! ;)

Thanks Jaynie 🙂 I'm sat in the airport right now grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Posted using Partiko Android

Looking forward to read some updates about the sessions you'r going to follow.

Cool Pieter87. The main posts about the sessions will start on Thursday. Today I'm gonna put up loads of over excited posts about my journey... Which I have to be honest is quite an easy one. A bus a plane, then another bus in Krakow and a 30 Minute walk and I'm there ;-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! It has been a while since I have been this jealous.


Ha ha, no worries reonlouw, you can live the dream through my 'steemfest snippets' posts I'm gonna be putting up this week 😉

Yeah I know, it's not the same. Thanks for dropping a comment m8 #steemitbloggers

Posted using Partiko Android

ENJOY! Looking forward to ALL the stories and posts from this event!!

Thanks goldendawne. I'm sat in the airport now shaking with excitement.... Or maybe that's the two Starbucks I've drank the last hour 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I am definitely following along and can't wait to hear the juicy details of it all, which i know you'll provide as you're an excellent and detailed writer! Woop! <3

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Enjoy it! Sleep is overrated when it comes to this ;) Take in as much of the experience as you can, you can always catch up on Zzz's later, lol.

If you're composing texts on your phone, I suggest using a "Speech to Text" app, so you can simply speak and the words appear. Have fun in Kraków, and please eat a pierogi for #thealliance and #steemitbloggers 😃