in #steemgigs6 years ago

Recently i have come to have a great love for @surpassinggoogle as a person. Though i have not meet him physically but i really connect with him because

he says the truth

One of the things that makes me love this guy is that he understands that

we are all but ashes and to dust we are shall return

So there is no one greater than the other and we are equal

Truths must be told. It does not matter whether you are a whale or a minnow on steemit if you do not influence the life of the next person positively then you aren't doing much

we must stop living for our selves and start considering others

These are what great steemians like @eurogee, the Steem evangelist, @nairadaddy, @ehibos, @jerrybanfield, @STELLABELLE and many other who really believe that life is well lived when you have impacted on other life's

Steemit mean so many things to do many people. To me steemit is fun and business i don't know about you.

My posts are not for any other thing than fun and business. I am also promoting an imaginary token just add tear drop. I am talking about many other tokens that represent life in its essence

For today i am giving you a UNIQUE DROP. This imaginary token is to remind you of whom you are and why you whom you are.

You are worth more than 10,000 other people who are in various places right now. Let not your challenge bring you down to nothing but challenge that challenge and see you become something

Many life challenges are mind set. Position your mind to positivity and witness a whole lots of unprecedented success.

See you in my next post on Sunday as a bring you another DROP.



I agree, he's such a beauty. The most generous helpfull whale that Ive ever met on steemit :))))

I concur with you 100percent.
He is the only person I have seen so far on this platform that passionately support newbies
God bless him

And he is still humble too

Yeah you really made some important point. He is really a great man indeed.

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Keep promoting newbies.... God bless you.

Well said,we should look out for each other.steemit has brought all of us to become one family so lets see each other as one.thanks so much.

You are welcome bro

Beautifull Writing

You are right @surpassinggoogle doesn't think only himself but also others around. That is also one reason why I am a huge fan of him :) He also looks out on us minnows :) and for that I really thank him @surpassinggoogle :) He is a blessing to us.

I tell you. I very much love him

Nice post =)

Thank you sir

Haha I am a female :) but you're welcome ..

Please pardon me.

Im a huge fan of @surpassinggoogle too. Though I'm a newbie in this platform. I really admire @surpassinggoogle kindness. He is a big help to newbies like me.

Keep supporting him and vote for steemgigs as a witness

Nice write up though I am new here I have heard alot about him and I must say base on what I have heard I am impressed

He is more than impressive.

I agree. @surpassinggoogle is a blessing in disguise especially in newbies. He is such a great and awesome whale I've known here in steemit. He kept on supporting and helping us every now and then. @surpassinggoogle thank you sir for your kindness. God bless!

Jehovah will surly bless him

You're right bro.
I like @surpassinggoogle.

He's amazing here on steemit.

He is a real human

Surpassing google is the best man.... He deserves to be appreciated.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful write up about him.
He is really a wonderful man

Ever since i started reading his posts i now understand many things on steemit

Truth is one of the important things in the world. We need truth before we trust, we need before choosing into something. And thats what @surpassinggoogle did to us. He is an amazing man.

He says it and he shows it too