#STEEMGIGS: I will repost your post on Steempress.org

in #steemgigs6 years ago


I created steempress.org for to promote Steemit to other people in the web and attract more new users for Steemit.

Steempress is based on wordpress, so it's a blog and a website. I usually repost my own Steemit posts here, share them to twitter, google+ and other networks.

Now I started to offer a new service for Steemit users:

I will repost their posts, original content only , on steempress.org, share them to twitter and google+, I will give them an upvote and a comment on their post they want share from Steemit.

How to do?

Comment a post of me on Steemit with the link you want to share, upvote and resteem my post where you insert your comment.

That's it!

I think that's a very good way to promote Steemit, especially to the wordpress bloogers, there are so many people who blog fantastic content, time for them to know about the great possibilities of Steemit.

On the other side there are very positive side effects for Steemit, too. The more Steemit links on the web, the higher the ranking of Steemit and this increases the value of Steem and SBD, too.

The benefit for the Steemit users who use my service is clear, they get an upvote and I nice comment for me and can attract with the reposted posts on wordpress new followers.


This service is free, the only thing you have to do is comment a post of me with your link you want repost, and upvote and resteem my post.

Price: Starting at 0 STEEM

Delivery: 0 day(s) 0 hour(s)


How to do?

Comment a post of me on Steemit with the link you want to share, upvote and resteem my post where you insert your comment.

That's it!

  <div class="hide-on-steemgigs">


this post was made on STEEMGIGS Where everyone has something to offer

Big thank you for your help, @surpassinggoogle
Have a wonderful weekend
Best regards

Wow, you are really helping Steemit.com and the entire community. I am doing my part on FB here and there. But seeing this, I feel I can do much more. Good move!

Thank you very much @chey!
Have a wonderful weekend.


I would really appreciate if you could share the following link on your blog:


Thanks a lot for providing this service

in some minutes your article will be shared, hehehe

Thanks a lot!

thats awesome man
i upvote resteem your post here is link to my post.

Thank you very much for using my service
Have a great weekend

Hi @zanoni
It is an excellent contribution for the users of this platform. I am pleased with the information that is why I approve of my humble vote and reesteemear in solidarity with your laudable project.
Greetings from Venezuela!

Thank you very much @henrycalu!
Greetings from Thailand

Hi @zanoni
Here I send my publication, it is a short story written in Spanish, I hope you like it:

Thanks for using my service.
Have a beautiful Sunday

Wow, what a surprise!!
@steemgigs work now 100%
this will be for sure not my last gig I post...
Best greetings to the @steemgigs team!
Voted for @steemgigs as a witness, first I thought voting @surpassinggoogle , but I think he's happy with my decision to vote for

This post is published on https://steempress.org :
powered by

Quality posts with original content can attract new users to Steemit.
If you like I can repost your post, too. Just resteem and upvote a post of me and leave a comment with the link of the post you want I repost on https://steempress.org/.
My way to promote Steemit.....

You will get a comment and an UPVOTE from me with the link to your post on https://steempress.org/

Hello Tom

That sounds like a great idea.

I recently re-found another great project here on Steemit. Have you heard of @schoolofminnows? I did an interview about 2 days ago with the creator. It's a really cool service and definitely worth looking into. https://steemit.com/steempunks/@simplylizelle/a-conversation-with-the-creator-of-school-of-minnows-what-it-is-and-why-you-need-to-sign-up

If you'd like to join school of minnows, click here
or click here to read about it.

Hello @simplylizelle,
thanks, and thanks for resteem.
Now, not yet heard about it, but it sounds cool!
I will check it out soon
Best regards

Thanks for using my service.
Have a nice day

hehehe, ok @jyoti-thelight
but you first have to upvote + comment with your link + and resteem ANOTHER post of me.
1 resteem + 1upvote = 1 repost, upvote and comment of me
Thank you

wow awesome offer as gig @zanoni having more attention for the steemit post is really very important.

Thank you @steemit-fairy, yes you are right
Have a great weekend

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Awesome man
I've resteemed and upvoted here's my favorite post

Thanks for using my service
Have a great day

Good job @zanoni. Promoting steemit was such a good idea of yours friend. Keep it up!

Thanks @natz04, I will do
Have a great day

Much welcome bro! Goodluck with your journey here. Keep steeming and enjoy.hope youll continue to follow.


Thank you bro! Stay fit as well

Wow, thank you for this @zaroni. Upvoted and resteemed. Here's my link , thank you in advance😄

Reposted, but I miss the resteem of my post on your block

Hi @henrycalu,
every post only one repost. You have to upvote, comment and resteem another post of me.
Best regards

Thank you for your support. I send my post, is a poem written in Spanish, but I wolud like the people know the work of this Venezuelan poet:

Hi, no problem I will write it on top of the post.
Best regards and thanks for using my service.