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RE: Steem Command Line Guide Part 1 - A Learner's Guide to Using cli_wallet

in #steemhelp8 years ago

I got as far as the words "command line", then got on the nope train.

Wish I had coding smarts. Maybe I'll learn some time. But right now it's gobblediegook to me.


Hey, I was like you.
I wished and wished and wished I could figure it out. I started a company, I did everything in tech.
And then one day, I just did it.

So, get off your nope train, trust me, if I can do it you can do it. it took me the better part of two years to master all the stuff I work with these days, but I'm way better off for it. I'm still not an incredible programmer, but TBH, using the shell isn't even programming, even though you have to use a text-mode interface. Programming is a whole different, deeper level of computing.

Here's my point though: You can do it, and you'll be better off for it

Being proud of ignorance isn't big and isn't clever.