janvas - Web Application for Graphic Designers, Illustrators & Devs

in #steemhunt5 years ago


Web Application for Graphic Designers, Illustrators & Devs



Hunter's comment

Most of us use photoshop for all our graphics designing and illustrations. That's a heavy software and requires much space and RAM. Janvas is the same guy but you can use it in your web browser. So you don't need to install anything, just open the website and start designing. Your designs will be saved to Google Drive so you can recall them later when needed.

Janvas is the best online application with all you need to create andedit Vector Graphics in SVG format. Janvas is made for graphicsdesigners, icon designers, web designers, product designers, UIdesigner and for all users that needs to create graphics.




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This application is great for users who do not have enough storage power for photoshop program on their computer. At the same time, recording our designs to Google Drive will meet our need for an extra memory power. High-end graphics, which are used by many enhancements, are free of charge for those who want to develop their own at a very high start-up stage and are easy to use compared to other applications.


  • Janvas let you create Illustrations, icons, product configuration for many kind of sector. You can Import directly online media files like images and SVG by reference or embed it in your documents
  • Janvas let you create interactive SVG content.
    You can stylize all graphic elements with CSS. You can embed Remote Widgets like Youtube, Google Maps


Drawing a Logo in Janvas :

What’s a fotoshop?

Graphic designer and product designers have most beautify heart in their body. When they do some work with feel they create amazing stuff. Here in this hunt this webapp is a perfect gift for the designers and many others. What a great find @aamirijaz.

damn @aamirijaz
Again you top!
Anyway an excellent hunt for a graphics designer.
Anyway I like your hunt and boosted it
But I have one question
Is this platform is free or paid?

Indeed, sometimes client application has its disadvantages like the one you mentioned about RAM, CPU and disk space utilization so I totally agree that having online application will greatly eliminate such disadvantages. More so that your files are saved in the cloud.

On the other hand, online app has its own disadvantage because you need internet connection all the time before you can access it. Otherwise, you will end up with tje client app again.

My PC doesn't have enough capability to use Adobe Illustrator for creating top-notch graphics which don't distract at any point. I used to design certain images but now I just quit it.

I just came to know about this cool web app which will be useful for me. I would love to try this out. Cool Hunting!

After I saw the video above, I can conclude that the web app is "very user friendly", with the convenience of shortcuts and dashboards that are preferred.

Moreover, after I compare, Janvas is no less complete than Photoshop, Pixar, and the like.

Great gift for the people who doesn't have much space in the hard disk. It makes work easier, you don't need to install a heavy software or required space to save your work. It works on a web browser and can be saved easily on google drive. Great application for web designer.

yep i do agree with you the software we use for illustration logo designing and the other stuff really consume high space and because of them you laptop speed slows down. so i prefer to use portable software since if we have a choice of such software in the browser then it's the quite awesome.. btw cool name though janvas ..

I am a graphics designer and I have adobe photo shop, which I am using since long. No doubt this is a very good idea to do work in browsers no need to download software and installation as well. But honestly speaking I am comfortable with photo shop. Anyways you did a great job. Nice hunt, waiting for your another hunt.

This is actually great for simple rendering, logo making and others. The interface is alot easier to understand, not as complicated as photoshop and other high end programs. Like the others stated, the offline availability is quite a disadvantage. I wonder if they'll come up for a solution or maybe offer an offline version. Nonetheless, a very helpful application. Great hunt.

An awesome online tool for graphic designers. Janvas has all the tools to design vector graphics in SVG format and it is useful for logo designers, graphic designers, web designers. etc. Easy to use interface with all the features of a well-known graphic designing software.
Cool hunt

Without sacrificing time and space of your laptop, this website allows you to do web designing directly. Photoshop can definitely get tough competition from such easy to use tools. Great hunt.

Keen to give this one a try as I have loads of photos that need touching up. I couldnt find out how to upload the photos straight from my computer only from Google Drive? Would be frustrating if that was the case...

The app does look very nice though so looking forward to giving it a proper try

Great hunt!

Yes I am totally agreed with your point that adobe photoshop consumes enough space. But this webapp is created to facilitate people means designers to do work in their own browsers and save the work in google drive. Great initiative. Thanks fir sharing an excellent stuff.

Janvas is a great example that an online tool has little to envy to a desktop program.

Janvas works as an application for Chrome, so you'll need this browser to use it.

In addition to vector graphics in PNG and SVG, it supports content in HTML, CSS and Javascript to integrate into web pages. All the generated content is downloadable or you can save it in your Google Drive space, and if you do not know how to start working with Janvas, you have a list of video tutorials to familiarize yourself with its interface.

I am a graphic designer and I am totally agree of the description" photoshop is heavy software and need a lot space in our computer. Janvas is a web browser which is the best advantage and other is the our design will save Google drive. I will definely use this site and I also recommend people use this hunt.

Very useful when you don't have the space, need to design, and want to avoid hefty costs for programs.

I try to draw vector graphics online with a browser with the help of Janvas.I think this application is best no other Alternatives are as much goid as Janvas.

Oh do this is like a JavaScript canvas?

sounds nice I always wanted to start learning graphic design maybe here's the sign :) will check it out thank you for the hunt.

It's a Good but it definitely requires effort and knowledge of the vector editing tools, It does not work as an app as you have to go to the website and do the magic. Nice Hunt!

there are lots of beginners in web designing especially those who have chosed this field freshly admitted in upper higher secondary school they would love to try this out .

great hunt friend 😊

Great hunt! most of the designer will prefer photoshop because the web applications are sometimes not free and you need to pay for using it and it is also on the internet based if someone does not have internet access so they can't use it. Although photoshop is heavy but easy to use. However if this one is free and easy to use so it will be also good for the designer but they will prefer to photoshop

It is very good for graphic designers and very useful. You've found a tremendous hunt and this is a very useful tool for me. Thank you so much for sharing it among us and waiting for more such hunt



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Now a day's I am facing RAM space problem. My PC is only 1 GB Ram, so I can't install photoshop because I not have have enough memory to my PC. Seeing Janvas description my heart leap up with joys because I am a graphic designer. Janvas have lot of good features like , I not have to install Janvas, My edited picture will save automated etc, which is I like very much. I want to give thanks @aamirijaz present a wonderful Hunt for graphics design.

@aamirijaz, I am not a Graphic Designer but definitely this tool sounds effective and in my opinion nowadays we have numerous options because we've entered into the era of the Possibilities. Stay blessed.

This looks awesome!