Synthestech - Cold Fusion phenomenon to obtain platinum group metals

in #steemhunt5 years ago


Cold Fusion phenomenon to obtain platinum group metals



Hunter's comment

Hello hunters. Here i introducing something about to obtain platinum group metals. Yes! Synthestech technology can do this by apply ing Cold Fusion phenomenon. By this process it become easy to obtain precious metals.
Cold Transmutation involves transforming chemicals elements in others. For example platinum, iridium and so on....

Platinum metals and other valuable elements obtained as a result of Cold Transmutation will be used in modern industry and jewellery.

By the process of Cold Transmutation it's easy to work on;

  • Precious metals.
  • Valuable isotopes and
  • Medicine.


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Hi Hunter,

your Community Manager here.
Unfortunately I have to delist your hunt, as there is no real product behind your hunt.

It seems that they are still "making" something for the Cold transmutation.

Thanks for your effort and wish you good luck with your next hunt.

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I love this technology. I first learned about cold fusion technology when I came across Helium 3 as an energy source while I was researching things for fun. There are many possibilities and the technology can actually change the world as much as blockchain or AI. I still doubt it would become a common thing for at least a decade. It took time for E-money to become Bitcoin. Working with laws of physics is tougher than working with IT gadgets. I'm patiently optimistic.

I like the fact that they are trying to work on some real physical research beyond software development. I applaud them for that.

But the ICO video has to go. It came across like some cringe worthy near scam. If I randomly saw it on YouTube i would have left without looking back at all.

This stuff is mind blowing. There was a time people could manually mine precious metals. Now there are advanced machine processing to produce gold. We might run out of than in a few decades and that's going to be a problem. Platinum group metals could get extremely expensive and I'm glad that we have a solution at hand even though it's still need research and development.

I love STEEM Hunt when it regularly prov me that we are approaching a sci-fi future. Wish these guys all the best to bring us the greatest tech and precious metals at a cheap price!

Look at you go! Well done, your post has been cleared for liftoff--Keep it up Hunter!

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This is really cool tech, fusion making is very advanced and can make you a lot of money. Great Hunt

I Googled Cold Fusion and found this:

The lithium nuclei would rapidly decay, first into beryllium and then into helium, and emit radiation. Finally, the film of electrons would absorb the radiation and reemit it as heat. Widom and Larsen called this chain of events a low-energy nuclear reaction, or LENR—a more accurate and palatable term than cold fusion.

Seems like a very expensive nuclear process to make it happen but even if it is, it's a great achievement. Great hunt.

Salam dear @amkn6590 your hunt is very aggressive and useful at this platform. Synthesteh plan to distribute 250000 STT. Current Balance is available round about a week so hurry up and register your account with your email and make money for your well future. The prices of this token is 1.5 usd approximately. Thanks for sharing this great hunt

It would be interesting to see how such a product opens up the gate for some really valuable opportunities:

The commercial perspectives of our technology enable us to enter the platinum metal market worth $ 12-15 billion.

From their website, everything looks promising except the content that has typos otherwise I found this hunt very interesting.

The project is manifold and I'm most interested in knowing it's 'medical' aspect as it claims the transmutation process has powerful biogenic effect and how it increases life expectancy. It's indeed a very interesting product and I'm interested in digging it bit deeper.

Analyzes will be carried out to elaborate the industrial version of the technology. Several dozen pilot models of Cold Transmutation reactors will be created.

Cool Hunt !

Hello, I really appreciate your effort & Here is my opinion-

Well, It could be a great thing to bring new technologies and with the help of that technology they will produce demanding thing like Renewable Energy, Mining Minerals and it will definitely gonna bring more innovation in order to solve our problems.

Thank You & Happy Hunting :-)