Transforma X - UV, Ozone, & Solar Bag Sterilizes Dirty Clothes w/ No Water!

in #steemhunt6 years ago (edited)

Transforma X

UV, Ozone, & Solar Bag Sterilizes Dirty Clothes w/ No Water!



Hunter's comment

I know what you're thinking. We live in the future. Well it's true, we certainly do. You may also be thinking "sweet now I never have to do laundry!". In which case you're probably a broke college kid, and while I get it, this isn't that.... ;)

"Transforma leverages a portable UV and Ozone air filter to remove germs and odor-causing bacteria from your clothes and shoes. Simply turn on the removable air purifier and in less than 20 minutes, you’ll be ready to wear your clothes again without a single drop of water."-source

Ok maybe I was wrong... maybe you NEVER HAVE TO DO LAUNDRY AGAIN!? I know the market here is for rich gym goers, but for nomads and travelers, how freaking cool is this.

I mean it's even solar powered!



Hunter: @dayleeo

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Hey Dayleo, I think it’s a wonderful thing for traveller like myself. How many times we have to worry about dirty shoes and doing laundry, etc.

yes! i thought of you when I posted it for sure, so many nomads on steemit could use something like this :D @joythewanderer

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  • Fresher cloths cloths within 20 minutes.


  • "Fresher" is not clean but still an unbelievably cool hunt. I found this gem of a hunt on the scrap heap sitting at #20 earlier today. I had faith and for that reason this hunt unlocked my 100% upvote.
  • A bit dorky.

Other Pros:

  • No leather used.
  • Solar charged.
  • Thermal pocket for food and drinks.


  • Still just a Kickstarter project.

i think the design needs some work too, but hey ho you can't have it all :D @fruitdaddy

Amazing hunt! Haven't heard of anything like it @dayleeo Perfect for your sports clothing. What I always hate is when I do sports, play football or go hiking and then put my dirty clothes in a bag, everything smells... and is not hygienic at all. Definitely worth getting one if you do a lot of sports!

Always looking forward to your hunts @dayleeo Enjoy the day, I hope it is not as rainy as it is here...

kinda wild right?? its certainly rainy here but at least its not HOT like it has been :D im just thankful to have an internet connection :D @redtravels

Yeah I heard this summer was quite hot in many countries... You got a lot of internet problems here you live?

not per say- im just thankful to have it :D @redtravels

amazing, you save water, you also save electricity, and of course you also save time ... excellent hunting

Wao this is very interesting and useful product.this is very impressive product.everyone like this great product.don't use water,don't use anything to clean your tea shirt.I can't believe this.very fabulous technology.this is very Amazing save your electricity, save your water,save your energy, save your time.such a fabulous hunt.thanks for sharing your interesting hunt.

solves a lot of problems doesnt it ! @asadchughtai those are my favorite kinds of hunts

Granny hunt perfect for those who sweat enough when doing exercise or any type of sport and more perfect for special occasions in which one does not have time to wash and remove the germs of the clothes because this will be necessary urgently.

wow that's a cool point, imagine of if gyms installed these in the lockers for professional athletes?! kinda cool technology @ederaleng

Of course it is very useful for any type of athlete, no matter what sport is practiced

excellent hunting, I have always thought that we should look for ways to not depend so much on electricity to do our things, this is an example of this, and with sunlight we can remove the bad smell and germs in shoes or clothes, although it seems insignificant this helps save our planet. Congratulations

If this works it could be absolutely revolutionary on so many levels. But before I throw out my washing machine, I need to know first-hand how clothes smell after they've gone through the process. I know it says it kills odor causing bacteria but If the clothes are clean and still smell just a little funky it won't do.

big IF but id totally be willing to give it a shot :D- also you may need the machine for stains and spills, im sure this couldnt help with that, but it's a nice idea for nomads or to get you by in between washes :D - also i bet it would preserve the life of the clothes too 👍@elementm

I didn't even think of that: this would be amazing for delicate items that a regular washing machine might destroy :D

@dayleeo Excellent for the life in which we live, where times are scarce, it is also a product that will give you more useful life to your clothes, it is known that garments are aged with water and chemical products from washing and sun exposure
Thank you very much for letting us know this article
I wish you a happy hunt

yes! if you invest in expensive clothes this im sure would preserve them... some women's yoga pants are over 100!!?! @jlufer

Wow very interesting hunt yaar.We get back our cloth in fresh with out using single drop.So we save lot of water,electricity, and Time also.

Wow! I am rally so excited after reading the detail. Without a drop of water, without washing, we can again wear our cloth. That's awesome. Thanks for your Great Hunt.

no problem @hafizullah thanks for your comment! !

No 1 Hunt of the day. Great choice @dayleeo. Simply turn on the removable air purifier and in less than 20 minutes, you’ll be ready to wear your clothes again without a single drop of water.
Everyday technology surprise me. And I am so blessed that I am the part of steemhunt. All the best and stay blessed!

I had to read it over and over again, how much will be the cost?. This is damn crazy, i love it. With this device, i can now always wear that my favourite cloth.

i hope the price is reasonable! @tfame3865

Wow, you don't need laundry, you can clean clothes and shoes by Transforma X and it uses UV, and the most important feature it sterilizes. One of my favorite hunts. Congratulations

Transforma X - Transforma leverages a portable UV and Ozone air filter to remove germs and odor-causing bacteria from your clothes and shoes.

In recent days technology is at its peak. I am a big fan of technology since my childhood so always I have an eye on the latest inventions. Transforma X was a dire need of the time and now after using it people will feel more relaxtion. Thanks for sharing an outclass hunt @dayleeo. Must be a win!
A 100% upvote from my side. Cheers

thanks for your comment @jawad09 :D

Woow, is it really possible? This is amazing thing especially for shoes in hot days they smeel bad so this can sterilize it and with air purfilar it will smell better. For clothes i prefer to wash them but this can also be used if you need to be hurry and you don't have a better clothes. Thanks for this great hunt

I thought the same, it seems too good to be true, time will tell! @sineps

@dayleeo what a cool hunt. This is certainly great for travelers on the go. Never thought this kind of solar bag can sterilize dirty clothes so easily. Need to try to see if it works when it is ready. Great hunt.

haha this hunt seems to bringing all the travelers out @rosatravels ! Im certainly interested in trying it too!

In many countries the water is very expensive or simply does not arrive frequently but having this sterilizer bag is fantastic, it gives us a very big help when cleaning our garments, we will have one less worry, great hunting

Wooww... incredible hunt @dayleeo

This the great Innovation for Laundry without water although just one drop. I think is very compatible with traveller or outdoors lover.

🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Love this hunt

thank you very much @dwiitavita ! your comments are always kind and thoughtful, and i appreciate them!

Hello, @dayleeo another great hunt from "queen of Hunt" It is the amazing technology you are finding some news technique thanks for sharing.

Hii @dayleeo, you Hunted"Transforma X" an awesome Hun.

First of all when i read i can't believe that how is it possible without a water.But it is true that it is a portable UV and Ozone air filter which remove germs and odor-causing bacteria from our clothes, shoes and such other things.

Simple process.

● "Simply turn on the removable air purifier and in less than 20 minutes, you’ll be ready to wear your clothes again without a single drop of water."

This bag makes me want to pursuit the gypsy lifestyle:) Kinda dope if you ask me!

Congrats on a great hunt @dayleeo!

follow that inner gypsy voice! ;) just... get the bag first lol@kid4life

Place the clothes in the product and they will become wearable after 20 minutes. A great product. Especially ideal for men. We get rid of bad odor bacteria without using a single drop of water. The products of the future are now in our world. A practical hunt

This is so cool. I'll probably not use this for clothes because, to be honest, even if they tell me this little bag will purify all the germs and bacteria I might still feel a bit icky about wearing un-laundered clothes. But for shoes, bags, and other things that could get damaged by water, this is just perfect.

maybe think of it more of a refresher. I know when ive spent all day traveling i cant WAIT to get out of my clothes even though they're not dirty as such u know? :D

You're right about that. It will come in handy when traveling or if you're suddenly out of clean clothes. Just not for the everyday situation.

Pros and Cons
-Reduce water use for laundry (to certain extend)
-Help kill odor bacteria at bay

-Cannot replace water washing to remove dirts etc

This is an idea I never heard of before. But really innovative idea. Cleaning clothes without water. The pros are clear, no water use and no chemicals. The cons will be the price and the capacity.

me too! kinda wild huh? what a world we live in @dalzphoto

I can sterilize my dirty clothes without using water by using Transforma X. It will save time, electricity and water. I think washing machines will be replaced with this bag.

Great hunt

Bad news for laundries and dry cleaners but it is a big revolution. I am sure most of the people will use Transforma X. Excellent hunt.

very true, but nomads usually dont need professional laundry services, just to not smell so much haha @araftor

That's true, hahahah @dayleeo

Sometimes it can get really sweaty in the gym so having a product that removes odor and bacteria from your clothes and shoes is a useful product to have. Plus it has many additional features like recharging your smartphone, thermal insulator pocket and a digital weight scale.

so cool! they really thought of everything, now let's hope it works! :D @direwolf

This product looks cool. It can refresh clothes using UV and Ozone air filter. What a great product.

What about ironing, it would be great if they do something about ironing also, lol, I am kidding, It is one of the most perfect hunt. Great.

HA! I was about to be like... ಠ_ಠ... really!!? ;) THIS BAG WALKS YOUR DOG TOO! @eduardog

Really? then I want this immediately @dayleeo , Hahahah

Most lovable hunt. This is a modern Solar Bag, You can use this bag to remove your clothes and shoe bacteria, you will be ready to wear washed clothes without water in just 20 minutes. I like this bag.

Awesome hunt! best of luck

WOw this thing is seriously amazing!!
The most fascinating thing about transforma X is that it sterilizes the dirty cloths and other wears without even a single drop of water. Can you believe that !!! you are free, I agree with hunter that the broke college kid. Its a life saver for the college kids. Not just this property of transforma x is amazing but the design is simply outstanding !!
Awesome hunt!!!

haha i mean im sure it wont remove STAINS, but smells and bacteria- that's such a good idea! Would love to travel with a bag like this.. @sauper-saiyanbot

Amazing product and hust !!!!!!!!!

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Hey, @dayleeo you found a smart product which is very helpful when there is no time to wash and wait for hours to get dry then wear clothes this is easy to an innovative way to use overall great hunt

amazing, you save water, you also save electricity, and of course you also save time ... excellent hunting

Transforma X : UV, Ozone, & Solar Bag Sterilizes Dirty Clothes w/ No Water is excellent hunt. I would love to have such product for my laundry because 20 minutes wait is something that I can afford to do. :)

Excellent job @dayleeo.

Happy Hunting and Congrtas on winning the first spot today. Keep rocking.

a product that we all need, makes life easier due to its functionality. I want one, excellent hunting

One pf the biggest challenges and problems mankind is facing at this point is that of safe drinking water. Unfortunately, the explosive growth of population is taking these threats to the next level. Projects like Transforma X, in such a situation seem like ray of hope and give us big relief. I think this is extra-ordinary product. There is no con at this point but price could be one when this product goes in retail. Though not sure about it and it's just my guess on it. Great work @dayleeo.

thanks for such a thoughtful comment @ugetfunded !

Wow this is cool. For a traveler , Gym goers and Sneaker heads a must have. Time saver also for Busy persons. No need to pay extra for laundry. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

interesting product...gonna buy this thing

awesome! let us know how you like it ! :D @basilrao


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