Braille Phone - A tactile screen based smartphone for blind users

in #steemhunt5 years ago

Braille Phone

A tactile screen based smartphone for blind users



Hunter's comment

It is really an exciting time as far as smartphone technology is concerned. All the ever advancing features are pleasant to the eyes except for the visually impaired or totally blind people. I am pleased to announce a smartphone specially built for the bling/visually impaired that uses a tactile screen feature for interaction.

he Braille Phone is a unique innovation. It envisions a unique tactile screen that is made up of grid of pixels which can rise up from surface of the screen. In a typical screen these pixels change colors, which a blind user cannot comprehend. The "height" movement, however, makes every bit of information "touchable". The screen, as an array of pixels, can display shapes, images, characters, Braille and animations. source

If you have a visually impaired person in your care or family, it is time to give this a second look. You might be making someone's life happier and easier.


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There are already many devices and different ways to assist the blind people. Braille Phone is also an awesome addition in this regard due to which blind people get ease to use this specially designed with brilliant features.

It's like giving second Life for blind people or have visual impaired. Give the wide access in technology although they can't see. But the power of heart feeling is also the great sense. Use the tactile screen features for make easy operation. That's the power of technology today.

It is great to have a technological product designed for people with visual disabilities and that can make their daily life easier. Visually impaired people have difficulty in searching for their friends and their immediate surroundings in daily life, so they can quickly dial the number they want with a tactile display feature.

This way gives just like an awesome solution for many blind peoples which feels them more comfortable and relaxed with that system. This may help for blind people to feel free with this smartphone.

Braille phone will indeed ease the life of impaired people. Now they can easily communicate with mobile phone. It will facilitate them and make their life easy. Nice hunt

After a long time, you come up with a very nice hunt which served the blind people. Their positive concern makes the blind people confident and smart with the help of such a nice technology. This is one we can gift to our close visually impaired people if we had.

Nice Hunting!

This really innovative and useful technology for blind people. excellent hunt brother @gentleshaid
How about the price of this phone?

I do believe that the advancement of technology is already made our superpowers. and when it comes to phones then we can clearly see how technology in impacting our lives. If i take my example i can't even imagine my life without mobile. so sure this would be a huge step for visually impaired users. i actually admire the thought behind this project nice

A great specialised phone for the blind. With this they can also keep in touch with technology.
Great Hunt

Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! A phone for the visually impaired. I can bet, I didn't see this coming at all. Never imagined a blind man operating or using a phone. Things can only get better!

Great hunt!

Sounds good that with the help of advanced technology improvement blind and visually impaired people are also facilitating like us at some point. This is really such a great step that a smartphone specially built for the blind people with a tactile screen feature for interaction nice hunt thumbs up

Awesome Hunt!
This is a bone for Blind person that connects Blind people with technology so that they can be move with normal Person. It is easy to use and definitely gonna make daily stuff easier.
Thank You...

When technology makes Human's life then I think its the best use of it. This smartphone is great help for blind people in the society. Such innovations are amazing. This is indeed a great smartphone and I think it's like giving another life to blind person. Awesome hunt.

Greetings @gentleshaid,

Oh...very happy to see technology evolve in such a way. ^__^

Cool hunt!

That riding grid pixel tactile screen is not only useful for blind or visually impaired people.

What if it could be used for ‘reading’ maps when driving?

a unique tactile screen that is made up of grid of pixels which can rise up from surface of the screen.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow that's really impressive and to be honest it will really open a whole new experience for blind people and at least give them a little more experience about this life and enjoy it in a new way.
Nice hunt

I have wondered how blind people would work with smartphones in the modern era because feature pones don't have many of the powerful functionality. This innovation will make a lot of people happy.

There are 285 Million visually impaired people in the world, of which 39 Million are blind. Alarmingly, 15 million of them are from India. Out of 39, about 19 million are under 15 years of age, and 1.4 million suffer from irreversible blindness. For a blind person, __about 10 productive years are lost due to adulthood blindness.__The average age of a child who goes blind is estimated to be 8 years in India, and the expected life expectancy is 42 years. 10% of the productive time is lost of a family member taking care of a blind person.

Those are some sad and horrific stats. A phone won't change much of that. But it is certain to help and I'm happy about it.

Cool hunt @gentleshaid.

I was Looking for something like this for my cousin, he is blind and also has the mind of a kids even he is 17 year old, I wish this cell phone can make him happy. I will tell my aunt about it for sure.

At first I think it's an epic idea, definitely something innovative and at the same time a symbol of inclusion for the visually impaired, but from the information I've read about it I'm afraid that most of it is a mercantile trick, because a smartphone designed in this way could never have the same qualities as a "common" one.

Excellent hunt! Thanks for share!

I find this smartphone very practical especially with the disappearance of physical keyboard phones and the rise of touch-sensitive smartphones, which leads the visually impaired have more and more difficulties to equip themselves with a telephone adapted to their needs and having the latest trends in mobile.

Great Hunt

I am very happy to see Smartphone technology is working for our those brother and sister who can't see, They always think bad about themselves. I hope this smartphone will help them and let them feel comfortable .

This brail cell phone is truly amazing and will help to change the lives of blind people. Very cool hunt!

Wow got to say this is genius while those with their vision have been enjoying the ever so changing smart phones those visual impaired have not had the same opportunities to experience such technology with ease and independence, this Braille Phone uses an amazing tactile screen that is made up of grid pixels which rise up from surface of the screen giving shape so those without vision can receive information.

I always love an adaptive and inclusive technology like this one. A phone made specially made for the visually impaired to enjoy as much technology as the rest of us is awesome. A very good hunt.

I am still thinking how this will work. Like seriously, am so happy that there is a system in place to put smiles on the face of the blind. This is indeed a great move and kudos to the team that put this in place. Nice hunt @gentlesaid

Blind people will let them experience how normal people does in everyday life by having this Braille phone.

Good product....I hope its affordable and available.

I wish there would be something that would make them see again but on God know ....good one sir shaid

Oh my world, a braille smartphone for blind and the visually impaired, this is just to good, now they can enjoy smartphone specially made for them. Great hunt

Each day, technology helps people with visual impairment. This is why no one person has no limits in using technology and is very helpful for the user. Congratulations for your hunting.

This can really help the blind people and I think that is awesome. Give the wide access in technology although they can't see.

@gentleshaid, this is really a cool hunt. I need to let my visually impaired friend know about this. This is certainly good news for her as it will give her the confidence of using the smart phone and be in the trend with the rest of us in using the features that are available for them to use. IT is great what technology can help these friends of mine. Great hunt.

Off course, it is much impressive technology. Braille Phone is much productive for visually impaired people because special people are more sensitive and helping these is people put smile on their face.

Cool hunt

visually impaired or totally blind people are special people of our society and special care are required for their living. Braille Phone is good smart phone with tactical screen with easy features. It will their life better .

This is really really great. I happen to know people that are going blind, so just telling them about this will raise their spirit. Great hunt!

Bling people have real difficulties integrating into the society and most things around it are for the ones to see. This smartphone with facilities for the blind people just bring more happiness to them and allow them communicate as easy as someone that could see could. Just a great and humanitarian hunt!


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Most manufacturers bare concerned with adding new features and big specifications to their products that they forget about the needs of some part of the population like the visually impaired. This phone is a great way for them to enjoy technology, interact and share their ideas with the rest of the world.

The front and back of the phone is constructed using 3D printing techniques and can be customised.

Other companies have designed Braille phones in the past, but OwnFone says its device is the first of its kind to go on sale.

For those who can't read Braille, the company can print raised text on the keypad.

Wonderful comment with nicely separated paragraphs; so much for regular commenters to learn how should be the structure of a comment.

However, here is the link from where you copied this comment; enough proof to have you earned my second thumb down. Cheers!

Making information touchable so that visually impaired or totally blind people could make the right use of it is indeed something great. I'm definitely going to share it in my friend circle


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It really is very useful for blind and they will get a bit of relief through it. Only born who is blind from birth knows how much of the pain of blindness is. They might not be able to use that mobile so well like us, but with the help of it they can enjoy some fun. All of us should stand beside the blind and make them happy. Now with this they will be happy with it a little bit. Thank you so much for sharing it among us

Great techntechnology.
Which made for blind people,actually it will be so useful and help full for the blind person.


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