Gitstalk - Discover what your favorite GitHub users are up to

in #steemhunt6 years ago (edited)


Discover what your favorite GitHub users are up to



Hunter's comment

Gitstalk allow you see what other Github other users are upto.
Keep track on a project or users on Github is not really easy, but Gitstalk is here to solve the problem.

Gitstalk allows you see activities of the user with just the username. One need just the user name. Put the user name in the search button and search, then it loads.

Gitstalk show the action performed by the user ranging from opening and closing of pull request, forking of repo, issue, commit and creating of branch.
You can also search randomly if you don't have any user in mind. Just click on the randomize user.
It also shows the profile details.
Every Github users should make use of it.

How To Use

Image Source
Link To Website
Link To Github



Hunter: @kelita

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Great hunt @kelita! This hunt has been verified and approved by the Steemhunt Moderation Team. Great job! Happy hunting.

I think this will be usefull for investors and non tech savvy people to keep track of devolopers and software engineers they are working with , since most of them dont really understand how git works , seeing commits at one place would be more than enough for them.


i upvote your post
please upvote my last post

Please delete.

Great hunt @kelita!

Well, here are my thoughts for this wonderful tool that you've hunted.


  • This is a great tool to Open Source contributors since they got the opportunity to check the latest activities of the contributors he is following.
  • Very easy to use UI and very friendly.
  • I would definitely recommend this to fellow Open Source contributors especially those contributing in Utopian.


  • None actually but it would be good also that there is a mobile version for this GitStalk.

Congratulation! Your hunt was ranked in 18th place on 14 Jul 2018 on Steemhunt.

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Thanks again and look forward to seeing your next hunt!

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