capsen PIC - smart robot that sorts out trash smoothly

in #steemhunt6 years ago (edited)

capsen PIC

smart robot that sorts out trash smoothly



Hunter's comment

The capsen PIC is a robotic arm that does all the trash related dirty work from top to bottom.
It detects objects with its special vision and uses a modified motion planning system to sort them in place and order.



Hunter: @ninuola

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The name of the product is not correct. Please edit it and let me know when you are done.
Thank you

Robots become a part of our lifes and Capsen Pic helps to sort out trash smoothly. Very useful product for industry. Thanks for sharing.

This is the kind of robot that I like and adored. It is functional, effective and useful in trash sorting. What’s way to ensure a clean and beautiful environment with fresh breath

Thank you for sharing

Posted using Partiko Android

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  • Easy to use.
  • 3D movement.
  • Use different tasks.
  • Does not require programming.


  • Any