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Is this for real? An app for detecting tornado? Well, it can help people to save their lives once a tornado is detected. Great Hunt!

Its not an app. Its a device that you can install in you home.

oh sorry my bad.

No problem...

Great Hunt though! :)

Especially if you live in a stormy area, you must use this product. A product that can save lives thanks to its features. Thanks for this hunt.

:thumbsup: Boosted by @calprut :innocent:

:point_right:I'm sure your hunt is "Undervalued". So i decided to give support. I hope it will be at least on top 100 today:point_left:

Tornado is one of the dangerous disaster that can kill hundred peoples in instant. This device will be useful, especially for the place that tornado usually happened.

Wow! This is a good new technology inventions, can save lives...

I can't believe this, If it works well we have to make it in the bigger version and have to provide to governments all over the world. At least they will find out tornado correctly in time. nice hunt.


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