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RE: We Are All Coworkers on Steem: You, Me And Everyone Here

in #steemians7 years ago

yeah, it's pretty mind blowing! Equally mind blowing is that I did zero editing, and just really unleashed this in a matter of minutes.......I feel that it's entwined with what Tesla has envisioned as far as energy circulation....meaning thought energy is turned into electric money.....the really epic thing is that we get to complete the cycle with our upvotes. That should be a reason to do a happy dance...
It's funny, because I am a cynic and prone to very dark moods.....I'm trying to force myself out of them..


I love that I do not know you,
I'll never meet you.
and I am connecting with you in real time.
and I relate to your experience, all of it.

don't force yourself out of anything love,

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