What Are You Thankful For Today? (August 21) - Participate For A Chance To Win STEEM

All liquid STEEM made from this post will be awarded to one lucky participant based on a public lottery number

That's right!!!

You could win STEEM just for being thankful!

@steemit-health aims to help individuals reach their own personal health goals through social accountability and financial incentives.

"I started steemit-health to motivate myself and others to achieve their health goals. The mission is to develop simple and convenient applications that integrate health right into the Steemit experience. The healthier we all are individually, the more successful the Steemit community will be as a whole." - @dan-atstarlite

Make sure to follow @steemit-health, check your feed, and enter what you're thankful for every day!

The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!

There are 2 pages

being reminded to be thankful!

thank you for these exercises :)

Thankful for Cryptocurrency! changing my life and allows me to help others too

My family and friends health and happyness

My family and friends health and happiness

I'm thankful that I was able to discover steem. I don't know how it happened but it is as if it is meant to be

I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

Thankful I found some show pants for my daughter

For gaining some weight finally

I'm thankful for the appointments I have scheduled for tomorrow

A good weekend with the family... some good talks too...

Congrats! For being thankful!!!... and also for winning Steem Dollars from this post!

You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number

Super!!! Much Mahalo, I really appreciate it.

Thankful for being back full time on Steemit

I'm thankful I got done with my MondayRed post for the ColorChallenge tag while it was still Monday! That took forever and I am so glad I completed it in time - just now :)

Well I'm thankful because I have a big jar of peanut butter just for myself!

thankful for today steem price:)

Good health

I am thankful for life

I am into photography and art.. I just posted photos and see this on new feed... follow u..
I don't know how this work tho: but I am thankful for gift of life..

@steemit-health solar eclipse and the science of ob

For the opportunity to be with my family one more day

I'm thankful for my family

Thankful for the day, am still alive today

For my family

Thankful for my bed

I'm thankful for my friend

Thankful for a toast sandwich

I'm thankful for good coffee. Especially on travel days!

My Soul Tribe :) & the Solar Eclipse

Being able to watch the solar eclipse. It was amazing.

I find a good movie to watch ^^

for my experiences :)

Thankful for life :) and what is to come. I am excited!!!

Thankful for my cousin who help me in setup rig

I'm thankful for the end of the summer.

For little steem rise.

Thankful for the vacations

I am Cornholio! You will name your baby Bungholio! Is he an albino? Holio Bungholio... will be albino... and a gringo....

I am thankful that I was randomly chosen as the winner for a previous thankfulness post :) Yesssssss!!!!! I appreciate every little bit that I am able to POWER UP!

Happy Steeming Everyone!!!

Thankful for understanding.

I'm thankful for my health

Still have work to do

For Nutella. :=)

A sunny day to potter in the garden

love from family and loving them back

For pirate bay.

thankful for a great meal

For the visit from an old friend we haven't seen in about 15 years! Was a wonderful weekend!

I am thankful to the wonderful nature.

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug 21. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $17.52 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 21 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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There are 2 pages